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Personal safety?? serious question


the prettiest spice girl
I have just come back from my local park where i was doing some jogging. Im not much of a jogger as im a die hard cyclist, but i did ok and managed to jog for 30 minutes, no idea of the distance.

Anyway my post is because i got into an argument with this old lady, i was jogging when her stupid yappy dog came tearing at me and i had to aim defensive kicks at it to stop the thing take a bite from my ankles.

This lead to her saying she would call the police, i told her fine i would be back there the same time wednesday and friday and i felt i had done nothing wrong and as a council tax payer i have the right to use the park. Surely people should be responsible for their pets and not allow them to threaten others safety. I should point out i did not make contact with the animal and did not chase after it, just gave some defensive kicks to keep the stupid thing away from me.

When i take my dog to the park i let him off the leaad, he is a 9 year old basset hound who has never even approached another human being seems completely uniterested in the world around him, much like myself at times.

Im really going off dog owners i have so many issues with them when im cycling as well when they allow their dogs into cycle lanes, i actually prefer to cycle on the road even if the is a cycle lane.

Anyone i hope she called the police because although it is a waste of their time i would like to see who is in the wrong, she even told me off for wearing black and said it would make the dog want to attack me. My track suit was dark blue not black anyway but what a country we live in no one is prepared to take responsability for themselves.
Yappy dogs deserve to be kicked Chich, you were in the right whether they were defensive kicks or not.


I think she was thrown by the fact that i was not a thug and spoke to her clearly and calmly. Im self employed if i get bitten and have to take more time of work then im not going to get paid for it. Im not one of these people who would sue if they fell over walking in an office block if the floor had just been washed.

But i really am starting to seriously dislike dog walkers and the fact that they think their dogs have the right to go wherever and do whatever they please. Im not even anti dog i have one myself.
I agree with you Benjamin

A couple of times my mrs and I have gone for a walk in the woods, when a dog comes bounding out of nowhere, running full pelt at you and either dives off to one side at the last second or jams the brakes on and barks at you - one actually had a right go at us and was barking and snarling and lunging at us - what a brilliant, peaceful walk!

And then the owners catch up and say "oh, he's never normally like this"

Dogs just really hate me, from about 100 yards they stop, turn, see me and sprint for me

I must have a black aura or something

I dislike dogs and have taken to carrying a shotgun stick
I hate dogs, got attacked by a Doberman when I was 3 and never got over it.

If one runs at me it gets a boot in the head, no questions asked.
I'm a dog owner. Pretty much always have been.

But I, probably more than the dog haters on here, hate other dog owners who refuse to "manage" their own dogs responsibly.
I reckon I have more arguments when walking my own dog than anyone on here, as I let rip if anyones dog does the above.

Chich mate, you are so in the right.

And Leeds....I too was badly bitten by a dog when young, and had a few years of "dog fear". Best way to change this is go out and get your own. Best companion you will ever have.
I don't trust the unemployed, teetotalers, socialists, students, the French, bankers, Northerners, Arsenal fans and people that dislike dogs or cats

My instincts have served me well thus far
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I'm a dog owner. Pretty much always have been.

But I, probably more than the dog haters on here, hate other dog owners who refuse to "manage" their own dogs responsibly.
I reckon I have more arguments when walking my own dog than anyone on here, as I let rip if anyones dog does the above.

Chich mate, you are so in the right.

And Leeds....I too was badly bitten by a dog when young, and had a few years of "dog fear". Best way to change this is go out and get your own. Best companion you will ever have.

I too have arguments with other dog owners who cant manage thier dogs properly, I own an English Bull Terrier who is the softest dog in the world but she regularly gets attacled by vicious little dogs running free in the park etc.. I always say that if my dog were behaving like that I would be getting a vicious dog order but because its a Jack Russel its ok? Grrrrr getting angry now...
Some people just shouldn't be allowed dogs. the other week I was walking home and had a run in with one of them. About 20m from my house my cat jumped out the bushes and started following me home, coming the other way way a guy walking a dog with his misses.

The dog goes for my cat and the woman pulls him back responsibly. The guy shouts 'yeah get 'im' steps forward towards my petrified cat and swings a leg at him... I shouted at him, along the lines of 'excuse me what the fudge are you doing that's my cat' and he responds by walking towards me, getting in my face threatening me.

I wasn't going to rise to him, as tinkled off as I was that's not my style, but this guy seemed to think it was his right to kick anyone and anything! His wife walks off with the dog (struggling, as training him obviously took a backseat to sitting under bridges looking for goats), obviously aware that her husband is a dingdong, and he carries on ranting and shouting that he should have let his dog eat my cat and he was going to knock me out. All the more a big man for the fact I .had my arm in a cast at the time. Utter, utter taco.
call the police!?

haha - i have a friend who is a police officer. she would love to ask the little old what provoked such an attack and then remind her about wasting police time.

she is lucky your kicks missed - i would given one, maybe two, defensive kicks to get the dog away......the third would a volley into the top corner
It's one of my pet hates (get it?) is that, dogs approaching me when I'm out running. Having been attached by dogs a couple of times as a kid, I have a genuine fear of dgs. There have been several occasions when I have been out running and dogs have run along side me or straight towards me. I'm sure they meant me no harm, but I can't control my desire to just get away and a couple of times I've legged it up trees and the owners think it's hilarious. Even when I tell them I'm terrified of dogs and ask them to put the dog on a lead until I'm out of sight they normally just respond with "Oh he's just being friendly" or "don't worry he won't hurt you." It really tinkles me off. If people can't control their dogs then they shouldn't be out with them.
Eventually we will all be walking around with secret video cameras hidden on our person.

And on our pets!

You can watch the footage and see what your cat or dog has been up to while away at work. Namely, sifting through garbage/food scraps and trying to get the low-down on other animal's buttholes.
people should be responsible for their pets...if a dog is not controlled properly, it is the owner that needs the kick in...as for that video raboner posted, i hope it's a trick because if it's true it makes me fudging sick and the plankton that did it should themselves be kicked off a bridge of great height. people who abuse animals are low in my book...

chich, i would say you were 100% correct in your behaviour, and the dog's owner needs to get their house in order. in essence, they're abusing their dog by allowing it to behave like that!