Vic Buckingham
Yet no evidence (so far) of any trauma to the parts of his body required to breathe.
He tinkled himself, got a nose bleed, said he couldn't breathe and had a sustained 200lbs give or take on his neck. Anything else?
Yet no evidence (so far) of any trauma to the parts of his body required to breathe.
If you think Dianne Abbott has the power to incite similar behaviour in the UK, then frankly, her powers of persuasion are being wasted. FFS. Do you really think she is doing that? Why would it be in her interest? Please.
This tweet has angered me somewhat.
Is she inciting trouble over here?
I think they do. From social media, so give the sauce the (lack of) respect it deserves, but I believe police there are trained to use that as a form of restraint.You're speculating on many things. The facts are that policing does not include such methods,
We don't know that yet. This is entirely my point. It may have, it may not have - lets not let part of a video decide that for us.and their application in this case have caused a man's death.
Not necessarily. Often it's manslaughter it just misadventure.Which is murder.
He apparently said a lot of things to try and not be arrested. Problem is, police hear that every day.He said he could not breathe; at that point they should've been up and off him, should never have been there in the first place but there we go...they had him cuffed and on the floor across the street. You want to arrest him, have the car pull up to that point. No need to drag him up and walk him across the street (all rather complaint for a man "resisting arrest", right?)...
You call it what you want. I know what I think.
So if the coroner's report is accurate (and I'm not saying it is without more information) how does someone asphyxiate another via the neck without trauma to the windpipe?
Mechanical compression with blood vessels in the neck causes a reduction in oxygenation of the brain, leading to cerebral hypoxia/ischaemia, anaerobic metabolism, and acidaemia/acidosis (similar to the effects of cardiac arrest on the brain (Longstreth 2001).
The term “asphyxia” is commonly used in the forensic literature to describe this sequence, but it is not a term used in clinical practice, except in relation to “birth asphyxia”, a situation that has also been criticised (Depp 1995).
The term “asphyxia” - literally meaning without a pulse - should be avoided, according to the Goudge Inquiry (Goudge 2008), as it is too unspecific a term.
Alternative mechanisms of death following pressure to the neck include some form of neurologically-mediated cardiac arrest, stimulated by mechanical compression of neck structures such as the carotid sinus, and carotid body.
It does - the event even lead to a law in that name didn't it?
This case might no fit those facts though. The inference from the police is that someone with a heart condition loaded up that high would have likely died after any physical confrontation that day. That means the knee to the neck (whilst entirely wrong and a stackable offence) was not the cause of death and not murder.
As I've already said, we don't know nearly enough yet to say whether the version presented by the media is an accurate depiction or the one presented by the police that started a good 10 minutes before any released footage does.
Lots and lots of drugs (awaiting toxicology) and a weak heart to start with.He tinkled himself, got a nose bleed, said he couldn't breathe and had a sustained 200lbs give or take on his neck. Anything else?
Given a weak heart, a bricktonne of drugs and a prolonged adrenaline rush? Don't know but high enough to be plausible.Extremely tenuous to suggest this relatively young guy would have died anyway that day. What would be the odds?
If you were being restrained - rightly or wrongly - with a knee to you neck, screaming you can’t breath, would it be just to continue that force to your neck with you (also coincidentally) passing out?
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
I did wonder that and briefly researched it.I suspect the main reason for someone going unconscious from the knee to the neck is pressing against the carotid artery and reducing blood supply to the head. You wouldn't expect damage to the windpipe. It looked to me that the pressure was on the side of the neck.
Given a weak heart, a bricktonne of drugs and a prolonged adrenaline rush? Don't know but high enough to be plausible.
I think the adrenaline rush was caused by the 10 minutes if refusing to get in the car that was reported to happen but has, for some reason, been left off the video sent to news agencies.What was the adrenaline rush caused by? You think it likely that day was the first time he did drugs? You think him passing out cold had nothing to do with the knee to his neck?
The odds are microscopic. So much so, your argument looks churlish.
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
I think the adrenaline rush was caused by the 10 minutes if refusing to get in the car that was reported to happen but has, for some reason, been left off the video sent to news agencies.
I've never seen anyone die from having someone kneel on their neck either. Neither answer are enough for me to immediately assume the media narrative is correct without far more information.Have you seen this occur before? People regularly pass out and die after refusing to get in car.
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
I've never seen anyone die from having someone kneel on their neck either. Neither answer are enough for me to immediately assume the media narrative is correct without far more information.
Just as fair to say that any trauma to that area would show up on autopsy, no?Is it is fair to say that physical trauma to a sensitive part of the anatomy close to the head is significantly more likely to cause death; than being told to get into a car?
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
Just as fair to say that any trauma to that area would show up on autopsy, no?
I'm not saying what did or didn't happen, simply that everyone going into full looting mode based in half a video is a little ridiculous.
Yeah, it’s only one incident, it’s not like the us authorities have a history of racist action...
Their record is utterly horrendous, but like I said early not all black people are criminal and not all cops are racists, so there is a stalemate that seems so far apart there seems to be no end in sight.
The issues are not helped by the looting as it plays into the rhetoric of criminality and the privileged leftist whites that you see joining the protests in masks and kicking the heads in of shop keepers are not helping them either. Its all fuel to the flames and muddies the waters even further.