Terry Naylor
It’s because they used their croniesthe conservative vaccine strategy is simple, buy buy buy. The same as every piece of procurement his gang have been involved in. When it came to actual trying to sort track and trace from scratch his gang have been an unmitigated cluster feck!
I’ve said it already
The difference with the vaccine was it was managed and set up by experts in their field
As I said earlier when a mate emailed me the 113 page handbook for setting up a drive in test centre that was sent to the companies (from Deloitte form memory) I just laughed
This was given to companies that run outdoors events and it was written by a bunch of history grads with a graphic designer alongside them
Sledge hammer meet walnut
But if it means the consultancy can get a huge fee then that ticks a box for some parts of the government
We have a PPE shortage... I know speak to Parker’s or greenhams or companies that actually provide PPE for a living.... nah I’ll get a load of companies that make NO money to get it in from anywhere and everywhere
but as I say, the vaccine (probably because everyone was focussed on PPE) was left to people who actually knew what they were doing and it appears to have worked