Terry Naylor
Honestly... I’ve worked with about 200 so far in 18 monthsBully for you I know people who work in the civil service and people who were directly involved in the set up of test and vaccine centres. I don’t personally know any top people, but the junior ones I know like my wife and most of her colleagues are extremely hard working and only try to do the best job they can. As with any organisation there will be bad eggs. But to say it’s all rotten is ridiculous.
None are intentionally bad. As I say it works at the pace of its weakest links
They promote to the level of incompetence and then can’t get rid
I work with a guy who wants his ScS1... yet he doesn’t know his staff budget who his current external spend costs. And his junior staff don’t either. This is a team spending tax payers money (a constant comment of what they do). I see it regularly
It could be the depts I work in and with though...
I mean if the NHS were trying to do track and trace they wouldnt have had a clue either
But there are tech organisations who work with the government who could have. They can track anyone with a digital foot print quickly and accurately. Yet it was given to Dildo, some over paid consultants and a group of people who brick the bed