Gazza Dazzla
Christian Ziege
The conspiracy theories around this guy are verging on the anti vax, flat earther type territory!
The weirdest thing for me is people assuming a player wouldn’t save himself to prioritise his country over his clubThe conspiracy theories around this guy are verging on the anti vax, flat earther type territory!
The conspiracy theories around this guy are verging on the anti vax, flat earther type territory!
You played the game to a higher standard than all of usIndeed.
When was he stopped playing?
I don't. I assess his words in the context of his past and the situation, same as for everyone else. If it makes sense, I accept it. If it doesn't, I question his reasons for saying it.
Conte doesn't do protecting - a man like him will not tolerate deliberate shirking.
Romero, a man who had to be stopped from playing with a muscle injury multiple times, is also not the sort of man to shirk a game, any game.
No offense, but it was always a fairly ludicrous position on your part to insinuate that, mate.
I take no offence whatsoever. What I will say is that I have previous for only making such comments when I have good (and I mean good) reason. I find it interesting you have chosen to only address one area of my initial response. Very Talksport...happy to be your stooge though, just reminds me that there are certain 'conversations' it is not worth engaging in. Enjoy the rest of the tournament
Well, glad you aren't taking offense, although you're being pretty dramatic mate. You're not my 'stooge', whatever that means - you and I agree on tons of things,not least on Poch where I felt like you were one of the folks who most felt like I did the night he was sacked.
But we disagree on this, and the evidence just doesn't seem to back you up, whatever your reasons.
As for the tournament, Canada were knocked out yesterday, so I'm gutted mate. I'll probably just go back to waiting for our own season to start up again. But thanks all the same.
Gotcha. Sorry about Canada, outplayed Belgium and the future looks bright.
Villaverde played left wing in the game (papa Gómez)
Hey you can read into it what you want
Players save themselves for what matters to them… why wouldn’t they?
Players play games to save themselves
plenty admit if after they retire
Is taglificoo still at Ajax?
What it may show is they aren’t as good as we all thought.
The weirdest thing for me is people assuming a player wouldn’t save himself to prioritise his country over his club
Sorry I thought we had official quotes and things
Sonny also saying he was injured going into this WC, but the conspiracy theory will rumble on, I suppose.
I agreeSo no further information on these players missing games because of "injury". No further evidence to support your previous claim?
I'm not assuming that. I'm not seeing others assuming that.
I think it's fair to have some uncertainty about this. Perhaps he did save himself, perhaps he didn't.
What I've been reacting to is the narrative around this being that he and others definitely did save themselves. Was "injured" and the like. I think there's room for uncertainty. I think it's fair to include that uncertainty in how one speaks about this.
I think our players, when they've shown both quality and a lot of effort and hard work for us in the past, deserve some benefit of the doubt.
I agree
I give players the benefit of the doubt when they earn it
This is a player who went to play for his country knowing he that he would then have 2 weeks quarantine afterwards, putting his club further out… and going to play in a country he wouldn’t actually be allowed to play in. That’s the priority he chose.
I think conte knew his hands were tiedTo me that's and issue with FIFA and FAs putting the players in impossible situations.
If that's enough to guide your assumptions about what happened later and make those into fairly strong conclusion fair enough. We see that rather differently.
Just to be clear I think there's a chance he's been fit enough to play for us. I think the most likely thing that happened is that he was fit enough to play, but the risk of injury was significant. He then made a decision that at least Conte was willing to support in public. If he was fully fit I don't get the impression from Conte that he's the kind of person to just let that slide.
I think, without knowing for sure, without knowing what that risk of injury actually was (if that was the case) we should not make particularly strong conclusions about what happened.
You played the game to a higher standard than all of us
Are you telling me that players didn’t look ahead to games to come and manage their time?
Lo celso is out injured. He is having an op although he wanted to delay it until after the WC at the detriment to his clubPersonally speaking i never did and i never played with anyone that did ( as far as i was aware). Obviously it would be stupid of me to suggest that it has never happened anywere but i think accusations about certain players who do/have is stretching it without any REAL KNOWLEDGE of it being true. This thing/ accusation about Romero seems to have been overblowed and taken flight by some.
I would be more inclined to accept that Lo Celso is a bigger problem though but like most fans we are not really sure of what the problem is.