Chris Jones
Here's the BBC's take on debt and deficit figures http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25944653
Thank you; you can see why the man in the street has no idea what is going on and just latches on to whichever story they prefer, the one that backs up their choice.
If they have strong feelings for the party in power they will latch on to certain soundbites, and vice versa.
Just as you think you are understanding everything, the article says "However....!"
It can be summed up by these two quotes:
"The thing is, when most politicians and commentators talk about the deficit, they are not actually talking about the budget deficit. Helpful, isn't it? There are some exceptions - as a former Treasury man, Mr Balls talks about the current budget - but most are actually referring to government borrowing".
"So there you have it. The next time you hear politicians arguing about debt levels and deficits, you'll hopefully be in a better position to decide who's right and who's wrong. Just bear in mind they could be talking about different things, so don't be surprised if they're both right. Or wrong."
I presume somebody somewhere online has created a demonstration/analogy that is simpler to understand, e.g. a person with a mortgage and debts to pay for a car and greenhouse and their salary and bills and and...