Tom Huddlestone
You'd be amazed how many 'immigrants' are right wing.
and how many don't have the right to vote yet!
You'd be amazed how many 'immigrants' are right wing.
Well one of the big bug bears is no one is sure of the cost of the EU not the true cost, im not talking about the money we actually pay in but other things like that fact that we blindly follow the rules especailly the new eco ones that make us less attractive to over seas investment or the amount of moeny that immgration may cost, immigrants sending money home and not spending it in the economy or driving down wages for the British work force.
I would have had a Leveson type inquiry for the banking crisis(can not belive the has not been one) and also for the true cost of the EU and maybe one to see if privatizing the railways would be worth it again.
Clarky was one of the if not the best poster this site has ever had and i think this site is less for his input same goes with Milo, i know he is still around but i so enjoyed reading those 2 guys when they were talking politics and they made good points that would change my mind.
As for you noticing the right wing more, i would suggest it is because your a natural left wing person, nothing wrong in it but your just putting up with what i had to for years in the late 90's early noughties.
Also think when ever i hear someone complain about the right wing press or tabolid press as the fat old tory clown shoe ken clarke was the other day they are nearly as bad as the people who said i can't be racist i have black friends. A new thing i have seen happening is how the pro EU lot are saying things like "we need to wait and sort out the EU first, but yeah of course it needs a lot changing" is like they try to gain gravitas for their position by conceding that the is a problem, but i suspect all they are doing all along is trying to keep the status quo. Im old i have seen many people use this trick down the years.
Why on earth would you support that pile of brick party which ruined this whole country?
Unless you are;
- An immigrant
- Scottish
- a lazy workshy scrounger
- Bob Crow
Going back to UKIP policy..........
I see our Government have just announced a package of aid to Syrian rebels, comprising armoured cars and body armour. So, effectively, military aid.
At what cost, I wonder?
Add to this our continual aid donation to the likes of India, totalling several millions per year. That's India. The country spending millions on the development of their own space programme.
UKIP policy would see overeas aid slashed, if not stopped completely, until such time we could get our own house in order, and then re-evaluate.
Going back to UKIP policy..........
I see our Government have just announced a package of aid to Syrian rebels, comprising armoured cars and body armour. So, effectively, military aid.
At what cost, I wonder?
Add to this our continual aid donation to the likes of India, totalling several millions per year. That's India. The country spending millions on the development of their own space programme.
UKIP policy would see overeas aid slashed, if not stopped completely, until such time we could get our own house in order, and then re-evaluate.
Again, like the EC we only ever get to see the Sun and Mail headlines but I'm willing to bet there's far more benefit to us sending money abroad in aid then is admitted for reason of political expediency. Supplying aid to rebels gives us a foothold in an area we often didn't have, when they come to power there's always a payback, politicians don't discuss this openly but Libya has oil, Syria has oil, it's not hard to see the motives.
[rant]Aid to Africa is the one that gets everybody, I'm sick of the sight of Lenny Henry pleading for money to be poured into the black hole that is Africa while people sleep in shop doorways in this country, I'm 53 and one of the few constants in my life has been the appeals for a couple of bob to turn Africa around, it's one of my earliest memories but nothing seems to change, where's all that money gone? [/rant]
Going back many years, didn't we used to pump money into the likes of Iran/Iraq?
Look what those fudgers think of us now.
Again, like the EC we only ever get to see the Sun and Mail headlines but I'm willing to bet there's far more benefit to us sending money abroad in aid then is admitted for reason of political expediency. Supplying aid to rebels gives us a foothold in an area we often didn't have, when they come to power there's always a payback, politicians don't discuss this openly but Libya has oil, Syria has oil, it's not hard to see the motives.
[rant]Aid to Africa is the one that gets everybody, I'm sick of the sight of Lenny Henry pleading for money to be poured into the black hole that is Africa while people sleep in shop doorways in this country, I'm 53 and one of the few constants in my life has been the appeals for a couple of bob to turn Africa around, it's one of my earliest memories but nothing seems to change, where's all that money gone? [/rant]
Also, and totally IMO, why have so many kids if your that poor?
I'm a catholic myself but, I couldn't agree more with you on that sort of thing - off topic but, the catholic church has some massive problems (understatement). I find it laughable that there is supposedly a select group of people (chosen by a smaller and even more select group of people) who know better than myself and others about what we can feel is moral or not, however that's probably a problem with religion in general. A lot of it limits progression and it makes me sick.Because the ****s in the Catholic Church told them all they'd go to hell if they avoided things like over-population and the spread of AIDS.
Gordi i seem to remember you saying that william hague when in opposition was saying that Browns government were doing arms deals and signing contracts for the army that would cost so much money they would hurt the next governemnt you disagreed with this. But i have seen army Majors come out and admit that they agreed with the government and signed up to things that they knew we as a country could not afford.
I genuinely don't recall that so I have no choice to bow to your greater memory. Perhaps I was stuck in the frame of mind where I still believed that politicians may occasionally show some integrity.
Biggest issue i have today is with people resorting to blaming the right wing media for things and giving them more power then they really have. The key is to debate the issues head on. We pay a lot into the EU directly and indirectly, this at a time when we need to save money and attract business to the country, when we need to cut red tape so we can get business and innovation moving to trade out of our massive debt.
Going back to UKIP policy..........
I see our Government have just announced a package of aid to Syrian rebels, comprising armoured cars and body armour. So, effectively, military aid.
At what cost, I wonder?
Add to this our continual aid donation to the likes of India, totalling several millions per year. That's India. The country spending millions on the development of their own space programme.
UKIP policy would see overeas aid slashed, if not stopped completely, until such time we could get our own house in order, and then re-evaluate.
I would say that the Sun and the Mail are the two biggest opinion formers in the mass media today. The Sun for those who don't give a fig what others think of them and the Mail for those who believe they're "getting on" and think they're middle class when they are in fact clerical workers and wage slaves like the rest of us.
The Sun has done an awful lot to shape society but very, very little of it for the good. They've spent years glorifying awful behaviour to the point where kids today think it's normal to have no moral compass whatsoever, I could go on but that's only the start, there's a whole other thread on the positive v negative affects of the Murdoch empire on British life.
Also as some of you were talking at the top of this thread about referendums i thought i would give you a link well do it to the guardian so you feel ok about opening it.
Seems to work well for the swiss and they have a lovely country, also i bet they do not loss to many bankers through cutting their bonuses, so cameron should do similar. But i do think referendums would help engage people more in politics, would be a good thing.
Gordinho;320928S said:I would say that the un and the Mail are the two biggest opinion formers in the mass media today. The Sun for those who don't give a fig what others think of them and the Mail for those who believe they're "getting on" and think they're middle class when they are in fact clerical workers and wage slaves like the rest of us.
The Sun has done an awful lot to shape society but very, very little of it for the good. They've spent years glorifying awful behaviour to the point where kids today think it's normal to have no moral compass whatsoever, I could go on but that's only the start, there's a whole other thread on the positive v negative affects of the Murdoch empire on British life.
I get confronted with these sorts of opinions reguarly, but I think it's the other way round. These papers are merely reflecting the views of the nation, not creating them. Sure they are sensationalist, but they are popular because people hold these beliefs, not so much the other way around.