Eric Dear
Lol. Braineclipse could mention his ethnic background. Might surprise some.
I think you are smart enough to know you are being obtuse there, either that or naive (why I find hard to believe you are). Perhaps look in to so called 'scientific racism' (that was an actual thing guys) and see how it was used to justify colonalism
There was never that inference at all, just scara trying to derail/ deflect from the fact that I called him and braineclipse out on their elitest attitudes to other cultures/religions.
Not that I should have to say this, but since scara is deliberately misrepresenting what I said, and that has put doubts in your mind
For what its worth my own people came from a shamistic back ground in central Asia and the modern interpretation of our now monolithic religion still contains elements of this. This is also the case for the majority of people decended from the uk, as the celts were also shamistic, and in terms of the Celts the historians believe their systems to look after the old, disabled etc have only been matched by the ' modern world' in the last 100 years or so, that's a lot of going backward to go forward
Lol. Braineclipse could mention his ethnic background. Might surprise some.
Fair enough. I have had some excellent discussions with him and scara around theism. I think their disregard and lack of respect for these cultures is down to their personal rational convictions. And I respect that.Doesn't really mater what his background is to be honest, you can be from any background and still poutray elitism.
Your post would be 100% correct (maybe) if you were an expert in JuJu, are you?
If not my point stands and the fact that you can't even see that just reinforces it....
Which cultural and religious beliefs were used to justify expansionism within shamanistic cultures? Can I now imply a connection between those beliefs and yours?
Elitist is a word with a lot of connotations that I'm not entirely comfortable branding towards others. Doing so, if you don't mind, seems a bit elitist.
But I do believe that my opinions on some things are superior to the opinions of others, define that as elitist if you will, no sweat off my back. If I didn't think my opinions were the better one's I would change my ****ing mind. It seems, much like me, you think your way of looking at these things is better than mine. It would surprise me a lot if you would bother discussing these issues with such conviction if you thought our viewpoints were equally valid.
I want to point one thing out. My 'elitist attitudes' on issues like these are not only aimed outwards towards other cultures and religions as you seem to be implying based on my opinion on one isolated issue.
I have plenty of problems with western culture. I have even more problems with western religions. I have freely spoken my mind on this relatively frequently on this board, primarily over in random. As recently as in this thread I ridiculed homeopathy, a system of alternative medicine originating in the west and still most widespread in the west. Related to that, almost by necessity, there are things in other cultures I not only respect, but wish would become more widespread within "western culture".
The real point is juju is no more or less bs than other beliefs really.
No one here would be laughing at a footballer fasting for Ramadan.
I mean a lot of us think it's all bs but we don't go out of our way to offend and take the ****.
Fair enough. I have had some excellent discussions with him and scara around theism. I think their disregard and lack of respect for these cultures is down to their personal rational convictions. And I respect that.
Will reply to this a bit later, but in terms of my use of the word elitism... I think its fair, but at same time I have no intention of causing offense, and I hope I haven't.
The real point is juju is no more or less bs than some other beliefs really.
No one here would be laughing at a footballer fasting for Ramadan.
I mean a lot of us think it's all bs but we don't go out of our way to offend and take the ****.
So bored of this topic and of Ade in general. Surely this is his last season as a Spurs player?
Yeah, I prefer things with a basis in reality.
I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with spellcasting/juju/whatevers?
When did I ridicule "religions and cultures" as a whole? I was talking about one specific belief! As a basis for humor no less. I think there are positive and negative aspects to many cultures, the same for religions (although perhaps more negative comparatively). Pointing out one negative aspect of one culture is not the same as ridiculing all of that culture, related cultures and all of their views. Your argument is a complete straw man.
For humor? For entertainment? For education? For progress?
Go ahead, say cultural relativism...
You're just wrong on this being an inherently academic western discourse.
Lol. Braineclipse could mention his ethnic background. Might surprise some.
Fixed that for you. There surely are beliefs less bs than the belief in juju.
I think there's a difference between following a religious practice despite it having a negative influence on your sporting performance and blaming a lack of performance on a magical action taken by someone else. I really don't think your comparison holds up.
If someone didn't fast during Ramadan and then hit a really bad patch of form and said Allah was punishing him for not fasting I would certainly roll my eyes. And I think jokes would occur.
Agreed. Why it's better taken way off topic![]()
Hey brain listen and scara are more than entitled and to be fair its not your fault and its not as if you dont have evidence to support your position.
Its just the mockery of someone else because of what they believe in that i find unsavoury.
In the grand scheme of things..People killing children vs BE poking a bit of fun at things he is strongly against.... water off a ducks back
It's an inherently acedemic discourse, I'm not sure I'd describe it as Western. There's a very good reason for ridiculing all silly beliefs - it makes the next generation so much less likely to believe in it. By doing so you've helped marginalise what was common belief and helped improve the lives of a generation.
This comes down to: are you an expert on the subject? If not who are you to say the belief is silly. I have a very limited understanding of what juju is, why would I mock it.
Lol. Braineclipse could mention his ethnic background. Might surprise some.
He's not Welsh is he?