Les Howe
It's more it just goes out of fashion and becomes unpopular. It's already happening - young people don't play the sport (participation has gone off a cliff edge the last 10-15 years) nor do they watch full/live matches (only YouTube/TikTok clips). A big scandal (cough FIFA) could accelerate this massively. In 10 years time football might have to do a T20 type reboot with futsal or something.
Thats the biggest risk, if people abroad lose love for the PL because the majority of the money for TV comes from Middle East, Asia and the Americas. As long as the PL stays relevant the money should be there. The other threat is the overseas broadcasters get together and decide so collaborate and not outbid for rights and drive the price down, there was talk of this and creating some kind of capping but we could be way off this.
As @Bishop rightly says, as for the UK, people need their escape and will always find money for it, you only need to look at the cost of the boxing, theatre, cricket etc and that it all sells out