Thimotée Atouba
I don’t agree on Liverpool or Arsenal. Liverpool’s first year in the CL was the year they did the cup treble, Sugar had gone by then, ENIC were in charge. Arse made the CL after their chairman took a punt on Wenger that was five years before ENIC were in charge, yes there was a head start but more down to coherent ownership from the top, making a strategic choice as manager.I'd still not agree with the average label, it's lazy
I'd also not agree on the progress, I've shown you the on pitch progression
I again have to disagree with the Sugar statement, lets be clear, Sugar was the problem, if Spurs had been well run in the early years of the PL, had managed to get regular CL in that timeframe, we would not have had to play 15 years of financial catchup.
Lets get to where we do agree, ENIC has hit a ceiling, the self funded model has maxed itself out, because too many other clubs simply spend money their income doesn't support.
I don't agree on Arsenal, honestly it would have been the same if we had appointed Mason (or Hughton/Parker) post Poch, spent money and got 8th, 8th, 5th (I've said it dozens of times, Spurs fans are bricking the bed with Antonio Conte being 5th half way through a season, can you imagine a Mason delivering 8th two seasons in a row? you think the club saying trust the process, we have a strategy would have worked? I really don't think you/me or any Spurs fan would have accepted that. Btw for context, we haven't been 8th in 13+ years). Arsenal is having a very good season, but it isn't done and even if they do, I'm not sure how you or anyone can realistically say they will be part of the challengers next season, how is this anything more than a Leicester season for them? how will they be better than United (who actually seem to have stumbled on to a plan), City, Chelsea (spending more money than everyone else combined) and Saudi Sportswashing Machine? they have a moment but I don't see how it's anything more than that (and compared to where they were a decade ago, it's actually a disaster, their stadium gamble turned out to be an epic fudgeup).
It’s not the point of the fans trusting the process, it’s the board having one.
I imagine a lot of arsenal fans wanted arteta out but the club stuck with him. We had a project manager in Poch, we got rid of him…
We don’t know if this is any more than a leiscter season for them, but is envisage not, given Arsenal’s revenue and higher stature. Tbh I would take a leiscter season.
we hit our ceiling because this was ENIC’s ceiling. In my opinion( and it is only my opinion) the risk of pushing for beyond occasional champions league to fill the coffers isn’t a risk worth taking. They are supreme revenue generators and are happy with the football club plodding along alongside the stadium and the other events it hosts.
Saudi Sportswashing Machine haven’t actually gone and spent anywhere near the levels you would expect given there backing of the Saudis, in fact they have been reasonably sensible.
Arsenal’s stadium gamble is an epic fudge up?? Yes it restricted them, but unfortunately they seem to be on the up.
since we hit 2nd, we have finished 3rd, 4th, 6th,7th,4th. Let’s see if we go back on an upward curve again but I doubt it.