Back to the Qatari interest.
There is an interesting episode of The Lab with a Pakistani guy that works in these sorts of areas and SEEMS informed.
He makes the point that Qatar used to be a British protectorate* and Qataris love England and thus the capital city.
The ruling families of Qatar have many THOUSANDS of properties in London including Canary Wharf, The Shard, majority* ownership of top hotels like The Ritz, Claridges, Savoy, Connaught, Berkeley, Churchill and Harrods.
The Qataris are on record that they will invest £10b in London in the next 3 years, so
they are looking at what else to buy and they've already bought a LOT of things in London (it is handy to have all these investments in one major city rather than some crappy place like Manchester/Liverpool etc).
This brought home to me that Qatar are already super-massively invested in london and are going to invest hugely in London in 2025/26/27 so
we had better make sure it is Spurs rather than Arse/Cheats/Spam/Ful/whatever.
Just ignore the host Flav, he is embarrassingly uninformed and stuttering over his words.
*I can imagine clever and informed boys like SillyMcSillyFace picking apart the finer points of these sentences, but please don't bother, you get the gist