Taffy O'Callaghan
More likely Spurs-Chelsea........We are going to level it up against the woolwich nomads at 2 a piece in semi final terms come April 23rd!
I can see United turning them over
More likely Spurs-Chelsea........We are going to level it up against the woolwich nomads at 2 a piece in semi final terms come April 23rd!
It will be over 4 months from Swansea to Bournemouth if you get a return......madness
I can see United turning them over
Nothing yet for Bournemouth so I'm assuming it's a no go. But I have had points added as late as 4.30 before so I am clinging onto a thin shard of hope for a bit longer.
I'm fairly confident of picking up a ticket either as a return or on Stubhub. But I wanted to take my nephew to this one as he won't have enough points for Woolwich or Utd and the chances of getting two together will be pretty limited. I also wanted the benefit of the points before applying for those last 2 home games but I'll have to hope that just under 200 will be enough, at least for Woolwich.
Not sure how it works out on the points based games.
Obviously with the ballot games, lowering your price level can basically wipe out your chance of any hope of getting a ticket, but with the points based games then you will get a ticket if you have enough points but what about if you want to sit together or choose a lower band, do higher price band get first allocation even if they had lower points than you???
Cant quite work it out.?
Not sure either exactly how it works but having enough LPs doesn't guarantee a ticket if you have limited your price options.
This from the OS FAQ on the ballot process for Cat A games :
The Loyalty Point cut off that is announced for each Category A home match will not guarantee a ticket in the event that a member has limited the ticket price that they are willing to accept.
I believe there were 15,781 application for 5415 tickets......jesus
On the basis that we have 40000+ on the season ticket waiting list (so must at least be bronze members) plus lilywhite members on top of that.........16000 applicants is not that many considering this was the last game at whl that went to ballot.I know. No wonder it's so difficult.
No chance without IbraI can see United turning them over
If it's £90 for the last ever NLD at WHL or you don't go, it's a no brainer really !!So basically they are scaring everybody into choosing the Top price to ensure they get a ticket, obviously only a certain amount of people will be paying top whack. Then again, I suppose it will still be worth it though
*** The Arsenal match is subject to rearrangement in the event of Arsenal participating in the Champions League semi-finals on Tuesday, May 2.
Actually there are over 67000 bronze members now.On the basis that we have 40000+ on the season ticket waiting list (so must at least be bronze members) plus lilywhite members on top of that.........16000 applicants is not that many considering this was the last game at whl that went to ballot.
So minus the 6000 odd who think they'll be ok for the Arsenal and Man u games .....thats a whole load of fans who haven't been arsed to apply and miss out on a final trip before the old girl goes.