Clint Dempsey
I for one am all for it. If a STH/ASTH has paid out a load of wedge and wants to earn a few extra loyalty points here and there throughout the season by helping out others, then why not? (And let's be fair, it really is only half a dozen or so extra points max right?)
As a long term member I've never had a sniff of an away game, such is the demand. But the resale market means I have a chance, and have managed to get to Wolves away this season and have been offered others.
However, I do abide by the fact that the right channels should be gone through - many Twitter feeds for Spurs tickets vet the seller first to ensure no scams. And it should always be for face value, not trying to rip off a fellow Spurs fan for an extra £10 in your pocket.
I get that, but I'm a new ST Holder with 130 LP's. People above me trading in tickets are always going to stay in front points wise, fair enough I might be able to get an away ticket at FV, but he will get a LP that is due to me, therefore I have no chance of ever catching up and getting tickets on my own account.