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It helps if you're really, really good looking.

My hunchback is actually quite attractive.

It's not that I want to be someone else, PLJ. It's that I want to have the upper-hand in a conversation. Instead of selling myself, I'll make the woman list off why I should be interested in her.
Plus, I'm terrible at judging when to go in for the kiss and all that. I'm too afraid to make a move because I build it all up at once. I need to "escalate" gradually to get to that point so it's not like a big make-it-or-break-it moment.
You're putting to much effort into it, trying to figure out what the other person wants. If you're a kick ass dude, like me, you just need to show up and it all falls into place.
My hunchback is actually quite attractive.

It's not that I want to be someone else, PLJ. It's that I want to have the upper-hand in a conversation. Instead of selling myself, I'll make the woman list off why I should be interested in her.
Plus, I'm terrible at judging when to go in for the kiss and all that. I'm too afraid to make a move because I build it all up at once. I need to "escalate" gradually to get to that point so it's not like a big make-it-or-break-it moment.

Dude your thinking WAY too much about it. Just go on a date with a girl hold her hand arm touch her up and kiss her NOT AT THE END OF THE DATE but MIDWAY through the date. Waiting till the end of the date means youre both expecting something which results in extra pressure. fudge that.

As for having an upper hand in conversations talk about stuff but dont just do interview questions - converse - what superpower would you have if you could choose, what would you do with a million quid, did you have an imaginary friend at school etc. fudge this whole you enjoy your work? where have you lived in London etc thats all boring and run of the mill stuff that peasants use and get nowhere. If a girl asks me such questions I know it aint gonna happen as its boring and dull. Flip the questions round.
You're putting to much effort into it, trying to figure out what the other person wants. If you're a kick ass dude, like me, you just need to show up and it all falls into place.

If you have a really cool pet, like a snake or something, that'd help too I reckon. Just have it round your neck in clubs and people will think you're edgy.
If you have a really cool pet, like a snake or something, that'd help too I reckon. Just have it round your neck in clubs and people will think you're edgy.

Goes without saying that one. It also helps to dance like there is absolutely no tomorrow and nobody watching, doesn't matter if you're any good or not, just wipe that dance floor with every inch of your body. If you're lucky, somebody might think you're having a seizure and start giving you first aid.
Dude your thinking WAY too much about it.
This. You'll know how to move in for a kiss or whatever when you talk to more women and have kissed more of them! The more you think about such things, the less confident you'll appear etc. Mostly there's 'that' sort of eye contact between you two that is more like a gaze - i you feel the time is right then either go in for the kill (if the situation suits), or ask for a kiss.
My hunchback is actually quite attractive.

It's not that I want to be someone else, PLJ. It's that I want to have the upper-hand in a conversation. Instead of selling myself, I'll make the woman list off why I should be interested in her.
Plus, I'm terrible at judging when to go in for the kiss and all that. I'm too afraid to make a move because I build it all up at once. I need to "escalate" gradually to get to that point so it's not like a big make-it-or-break-it moment.

It's been years since I used to do this kind of thing, but these things never change. My (probably useless) tips:

There are two things to remember in this situation - keep them at the front of your mind and you'll go far.

  1. She probably wants to just as much as you. It's contraints placed on her by society that stop her going for it too easily.
  2. She wants to talk about herself and feel flattered.

Regarding point 1, remember to keep dropping hints about the excitement such an illicit act as a one night stand can cause. You'll never convince someone to go home with you, but you can remind them how exciting doing such a thing can be. Many believe in suggestion techniques here (I don't) such as "Aren't you a naughty one?" if she says something a little flirty - personally I think suggestion techniques are a little rapey though.

With point 2, it's simple. She wants to be all the things you and I do - interesting, knowledgable, attractive, stylish, etc so make sure she feels that. Ask questions a lot and seem very interested in the answers. Refer to things she's already mentioned in other questions - like in an exam, it shows you're listening. Keep your own answers short - you'll never lose points for being mysterious, but you will for going on about yourself. If she's leaning forward a lot or looking at down, she wants you to notice her tits - notice them without staring. If she leans to one side sticking a hip out, she wants you to notice it - do so. If she plays with her hair she wants eye contact - make it (don't stare).

As for the initial contact stuff, I'll bet there's one thing you do that almost all men all over the world do and it ruins chances - looking away when you get caught looking.
When you're looking at a girl you like and she spots you, it's the most natural thing in the world to look away as if you've been caught - pay attention next time you're out and I bet you do it, everyone does. Instead, keep eye contact for a couple of seconds. Don't stare or look rapey, that's not good. Smile ever so slightly but don't grin - you may end up in prison or an asylum. If she catches you looking at her body still make the eye contact but with a "oh brick you caught me" smile and a little laugh.
You'll usually know from her reaction then whether she's at all interested. Hopefully you'll get that coy turning away of the face but keeping eye contact - if so, you're in. She might look you up and down if she's being really helpful. Usually she'll turn away and then immediately look back - if she has a scared look in her eyes then you're getting the starey, smiley, rapey thing wrong.

Once you've made the eye contact look out for body language. If she's talking to friends but standing with her foot or her drink pointed towards you, that's an invite. You may find that when she walks past to the ladies/bar she'll look at the floor briefly before looking up at you - all women know they look better from that angle, it's why they hold their cameras up when taking photos - that's a good thing. Most things you read about body language are bullsh1t, but these are always true.

Be a gent, like in a really old-school way. Don't worry about seeming old-fashioned - open doors for her, insist on paying, be decisive about choices, etc.

As Southstand said above, the most useful thing is confidence. Be really confident (almost bordering on arrogance) and your game will improve tenfold. Walk into a busy bar held held high and full of confidence and women will notice you immediately, be certain and decisive in everything you do. Dress well - traditionally but with a small amount of flair (enough to get noticed, less than novelty). You can never over-dress for anything, always wear a jacket when picking up, if you're in a decent bar wear a casual suit.

And lay off the weed. There is almost no situation ever in which weed is conducive to attracting women.
This. You'll know how to move in for a kiss or whatever when you talk to more women and have kissed more of them! The more you think about such things, the less confident you'll appear etc. Mostly there's 'that' sort of eye contact between you two that is more like a gaze - i you feel the time is right then either go in for the kill (if the situation suits), or ask for a kiss.

Mid sentence you just hold her hand and say 'im trying really hard not to kiss you'. She gets all shy etc and will smack you on the chest a few times etc but all in a jokey manner. For me its worked way more than waiting till end of the night as the pressure was way too much.
It's been years since I used to do this kind of thing, but these things never change. My (probably useless) tips:

There are two things to remember in this situation - keep them at the front of your mind and you'll go far.

  1. She probably wants to just as much as you. It's contraints placed on her by society that stop her going for it too easily.
  2. She wants to talk about herself and feel flattered.

Regarding point 1, remember to keep dropping hints about the excitement such an illicit act as a one night stand can cause. You'll never convince someone to go home with you, but you can remind them how exciting doing such a thing can be. Many believe in suggestion techniques here (I don't) such as "Aren't you a naughty one?" if she says something a little flirty - personally I think suggestion techniques are a little rapey though.

With point 2, it's simple. She wants to be all the things you and I do - interesting, knowledgable, attractive, stylish, etc so make sure she feels that. Ask questions a lot and seem very interested in the answers. Refer to things she's already mentioned in other questions - like in an exam, it shows you're listening. Keep your own answers short - you'll never lose points for being mysterious, but you will for going on about yourself. If she's leaning forward a lot or looking at down, she wants you to notice her tits - notice them without staring. If she leans to one side sticking a hip out, she wants you to notice it - do so. If she plays with her hair she wants eye contact - make it (don't stare).

As for the initial contact stuff, I'll bet there's one thing you do that almost all men all over the world do and it ruins chances - looking away when you get caught looking.
When you're looking at a girl you like and she spots you, it's the most natural thing in the world to look away as if you've been caught - pay attention next time you're out and I bet you do it, everyone does. Instead, keep eye contact for a couple of seconds. Don't stare or look rapey, that's not good. Smile ever so slightly but don't grin - you may end up in prison or an asylum. If she catches you looking at her body still make the eye contact but with a "oh brick you caught me" smile and a little laugh.
You'll usually know from her reaction then whether she's at all interested. Hopefully you'll get that coy turning away of the face but keeping eye contact - if so, you're in. She might look you up and down if she's being really helpful. Usually she'll turn away and then immediately look back - if she has a scared look in her eyes then you're getting the starey, smiley, rapey thing wrong.

Once you've made the eye contact look out for body language. If she's talking to friends but standing with her foot or her drink pointed towards you, that's an invite. You may find that when she walks past to the ladies/bar she'll look at the floor briefly before looking up at you - all women know they look better from that angle, it's why they hold their cameras up when taking photos - that's a good thing. Most things you read about body language are bullsh1t, but these are always true.

Be a gent, like in a really old-school way. Don't worry about seeming old-fashioned - open doors for her, insist on paying, be decisive about choices, etc.

As Southstand said above, the most useful thing is confidence. Be really confident (almost bordering on arrogance) and your game will improve tenfold. Walk into a busy bar held held high and full of confidence and women will notice you immediately, be certain and decisive in everything you do. Dress well - traditionally but with a small amount of flair (enough to get noticed, less than novelty). You can never over-dress for anything, always wear a jacket when picking up, if you're in a decent bar wear a casual suit.

And lay off the weed. There is almost no situation ever in which weed is conducive to attracting women.

I'm known some pretty hot stoners.' Come back to mine and we'll light up' works well with them.

But that is a good post.
Listen, this is all well and good for girls that are in my league-ish. But I'm talking about getting with women I have no business being with. Not celebrities obviously but people should look at me, the girl I'm with and be like wtf, he's not even rich... how'd he bag that?

I know I do tend to overthink things. Sometimes I wish there was an on/standby switch for my inhibition, but alcohol tends to suffice.

There's the subtle body language stuff I've heard before, but I'm telling you, guys uglier than me are getting with some way-hot chicks easily. Maybe watching too much porn has raised my standards but what can I say? I'm vain ;)

The confidence thing is always true, and I think that's useful in all situations (was hoping our players would show some of that same i-dont-give-a-fudge swagger, we're gonna win).

These are tips from a guy who could get every hot girl's number in a bar.
I'm known some pretty hot stoners.' Come back to mine and we'll light up' works well with them.

But that is a good post.

Yup, all the more reason for me to move to Colorado.

Thanks for the tips everyone. Does it make me shallow for wanting a hot girl who's also insanely intelligent? These girls tend to get locked down pretty quickly, but I still have hope!
Yup, all the more reason for me to move to Colorado.

Thanks for the tips everyone. Does it make me shallow for wanting a hot girl who's also insanely intelligent? These girls tend to get locked down pretty quickly, but I still have hope!
No, everyone wants to be with a member of the opposite sex that is both attractive physically and intelligent. 'survival of the fittest' and all that :)
oh yeah and i never really bothered approaching girls when i was younger, aalways thought it was better for the mountain to come to muhammed(not being racist to any liberaals reading this)
Most Men make the mistake of putting attractive girls on a pedal stool. 90% of guys do it. Imagine speaking to one and being completely opposite! she will love it.
My two cents (bar snakes and cat popcorn gifs) would be to make sure that you're not a boring person. Always be doing new things and going new places and just see what happens from there, you're not going to meet some amazing intelligent woman whilst on Randomination (no offence to the female posters). I think in terms of batting way above your average, I think these beautiful women you see with ugly guys are possibly escorts, or on a less sinister thought, possibly are just really interesting people.

I don't want to sound judgmental either but I bet the people that are really fudging boss at it are the ones who haven't looked at a youtube video, imo it's one of those if you have to ask you'll never know kind of things. And lets say it does work and you get a stunner, in the back of your mind if you know that it's through some bricky youtube vid guy called "Brad" then it won't feel like you've earned it yourself. As someone said before, you might be over thinking it. Just be get your brick done and being generally outgoing in terms of what you do and from there it's just luck, a number of coincidences and variables that are so vast that you're head would explode if you were to fully comprehend it, so a four minute youtube video is hardly going to explain it, just ride with it in my very honest opinion.

Or just get a high class prostitute and just pretend that you're not paying her \o/
My two cents (bar snakes and cat popcorn gifs) would be to make sure that you're not a boring person. Always be doing new things and going new places and just see what happens from there, you're not going to meet some amazing intelligent woman whilst on Randomination (no offence to the female posters). I think in terms of batting way above your average, I think these beautiful women you see with ugly guys are possibly escorts, or on a less sinister thought, possibly are just really interesting people.

I don't want to sound judgmental either but I bet the people that are really fudging boss at it are the ones who haven't looked at a youtube video, imo it's one of those if you have to ask you'll never know kind of things. And lets say it does work and you get a stunner, in the back of your mind if you know that it's through some bricky youtube vid guy called "Brad" then it won't feel like you've earned it yourself. As someone said before, you might be over thinking it. Just be get your brick done and being generally outgoing in terms of what you do and from there it's just luck, a number of coincidences and variables that are so vast that you're head would explode if you were to fully comprehend it, so a four minute youtube video is hardly going to explain it, just ride with it in my very honest opinion.

Or just get a high class prostitute and just pretend that you're not paying her \o/

No doubt some people have natural talent. I don't, so I need to hone my game. And many of these guys with the videos started off in the same boat I'm in. They put in the hard work of making a fool of themselves girl after girl. I need to do the same to get more practice.

That's too much work, just gonna go with the prostitute.
No doubt some people have natural talent. I don't, so I need to hone my game. And many of these guys with the videos started off in the same boat I'm in. They put in the hard work of making a fool of themselves girl after girl. I need to do the same to get more practice.

That's too much work, just gonna go with the prostitute.

If you make enough to get the top quality ones your likely wealthy enough to get a gold digger.

Both are expensive, however only one charges hourly.