Terry Dyson
Not really going to get In to this debate, the only thing that I would like to clarify, is the misconception that Muslims some how have some religious/cultural problem with jewish people (see scaras early posts). This is a complete fabrication, while the European continent amongst others were persecuting and killing those of a jewish faith for the 'best part' 2000 years. Muslim lands were welcoming the jewish refugees. From England France Russia and Germany but most notably Spain See specifically the Ottoman Empire. Even in the 20th century, when America was still non comital on the nazis, turkey was fabricating/exaggerating turkish heritage for many jewish citizens of Germany to ensure their safe passage to turkey. Don't take my word for it though read up on history.
As I found this comment very surprising, would you mind expanding a bit? Are you talking from an entirely historical viewpoint (before the establishment of Israel)? Or are you also talking about what has happened in more recent history?
No argument from me that a lot of European nations have a lot of blood on their hands historically in this issue. However, the current (and recent) threats against Israel and Jewish people seems to me to come from Islamic nations, and the threats seem real enough.
As the main example I was under the impression that the threats against Israel from surrounding nations were accepted as real. Do you disagree with this?
If those threats are real how can you argue that Muslims have no religious/cultural problem with Jewish people? (to be perfectly clear, I'm not saying all Muslims have a problem with Jewish people).