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GG posters who play or coach

Were the police called in?

He smacked both of them and done a runner! Pretty sure the ref got the guy's details and reported him to the old bill though. The team got kicked out the league and the guy got banned from all forms of football for life, at least.

To be fair to most of his team mates, they were pretty embarassed about the whole incident and were very apologetic about it.
He smacked both of them and done a runner! Pretty sure the ref got the guy's details and reported him to the old bill though. The team got kicked out the league and the guy got banned from all forms of football for life, at least.

To be fair to most of his team mates, they were pretty embarassed about the whole incident and were very apologetic about it.

Some justice I guess.

I suppose I can understand when someone sees red (pun intended) at a perceived injustice on the pitch, say if the ref makes a border line call that they think is incorrect. What I can't get my head around is the nutters who go out to play football but use it as an excuse to try and injure someone. They are in the wrong and they know that they are in the wrong but but still loose the plot when they are called up on it.
i wonder what amateur rugby is like. there are surely countless more opportunities in that game to get "free hits" off on your opponents. or maybe the level of etiquette at amateur level for rugby is much better.
He smacked both of them and done a runner! Pretty sure the ref got the guy's details and reported him to the old bill though. The team got kicked out the league and the guy got banned from all forms of football for life, at least.

To be fair to most of his team mates, they were pretty embarassed about the whole incident and were very apologetic about it.

From my experience they come back with another name. I've actually sent off a player like that.
i wonder what amateur rugby is like. there are surely countless more opportunities in that game to get "free hits" off on your opponents. or maybe the level of etiquette at amateur level for rugby is much better.

Played both. Football is worse for indiscipline and violent play.
Funny, had the same experience myself at a bus stop in Guatemala whilst waiting for about 3 hours for a bus. Me and a mate doing keep-ups between each other and flicks and tricks to pass the time, next thing about 20 kids from the local village have us surrounded and are cheering and shouting for every trick.


Reminds me of a time in Rio, back in '91…was on the Copacobana watching these kids just dancing with the ball. I ask of I can join in and they fall about laughing. So I watched from the side. Ball comes flying out towards me, I control it and cross it back in. They look over and gesture for me to stay there and just cross it. so I did for about 10 minutes. Then they gestured for me to come in a bit more, and thus I worked my way into their kickabout after about 20 mins. They were favella kids (one of Rio's famous favellas was across the street from the beach, climbing into a steep hill) and man, they were amazing. At the end they slapped my hand, were laughing, joking and ran off. It was amazing. We didn't understand each other any way except with the ball. And yes, they were superior to me technically even then! Wonderful memory, and furthered a very soft spot I've had for Brazil since 1980 and seeing them at Wembley in 81…I saw all their World Cup matches (bar the semi) in the US in 94…great country, great people, beautiful players…I once taught some of the Corinthian hardcore home supporters how to chant 'the referee's a ****er' when they taught me how to swear at him in Portugese…ahhh culture!!!!

Enjoying my twice-weekly indoor matches more than ever. Since I lost the 30lbs and sharpened up my diet/exercise program, I have three times the energy and running in me. It's great! Really enjoying it…but I have to confess, i am a whinging tart! I do NOT like it rough!!!!!!
I got sent off for swearing at myself!!
Was having an off day, miss placed a pass and gave myself a bit of a gonading, ref warned me, I didn't think much of it. Did the same thing a couple of minutes later " oh ffs sort it out "
straight red.
I've never met anyone else who has been sent off for being ****ed off with themselves. I was livid.

Stupidest sending off I have seen was a lad who got a red for having a pee in the bushes at half time. Still every team in the league knew to use the toilets when he was around, so I guess it worked.
Playing together with other Spurs supporters here in Hong Kong which the team was found since 7 years ago. Having joined a quite competitive 11-a-side amateur league since the season before , we were really crap at the first season , now its the second and we improved a lot.

Reminds me of a time in Rio, back in '91…was on the Copacobana watching these kids just dancing with the ball. I ask of I can join in and they fall about laughing. So I watched from the side. Ball comes flying out towards me, I control it and cross it back in. They look over and gesture for me to stay there and just cross it. so I did for about 10 minutes. Then they gestured for me to come in a bit more, and thus I worked my way into their kickabout after about 20 mins. They were favella kids (one of Rio's famous favellas was across the street from the beach, climbing into a steep hill) and man, they were amazing. At the end they slapped my hand, were laughing, joking and ran off. It was amazing. We didn't understand each other any way except with the ball. And yes, they were superior to me technically even then! Wonderful memory, and furthered a very soft spot I've had for Brazil since 1980 and seeing them at Wembley in 81…I saw all their World Cup matches (bar the semi) in the US in 94…great country, great people, beautiful players…I once taught some of the Corinthian hardcore home supporters how to chant 'the referee's a ****er' when they taught me how to swear at him in Portugese…ahhh culture!!!!

Enjoying my twice-weekly indoor matches more than ever. Since I lost the 30lbs and sharpened up my diet/exercise program, I have three times the energy and running in me. It's great! Really enjoying it…but I have to confess, i am a whinging tart! I do NOT like it rough!!!!!!

I spent some time in Rio myself, great City! I had a similar situation to you in Columbia. On my way home from a night out some kids in the street kicking a ball around and it lands at my feet. Being drunk, rather than just kick it back I juggle it for a bit then catch it on the back of my neck then knock it back to them (rather impressively considering the drink I had consumed). The kids call me over for a game and I end up playing one on one with this little kid who couldn't have been older than about 14 (I was 23 at the time), we play first to 5, kid has some crazy skills but it's fairly even (mainly due to me pretty much putting him on his **** every time he tries to tackle me) and I think gets to about 3-3 or 3-2 to him.

I was drunk at the time, but I remember clear as day. He sets the ball down on his 'goal line'; (denoted by a line dug out in the street) runs straight at me full speed, I get set to jockey him one way, he steps over the ball, I think I've won it, put a foot in. Nothing, I'm just left standing there on my own. I look behind me and he's standing on my goal line with his foot on the ball grinning at me. Then he goes and does exactly the same thing to me the very next time he gets the ball and its all over.

After it, I felt like he was taking the **** out of me all along, just teasing me knowing that he'd have no probs beating me when he wanted to! The kids walked me back to the hostel I was staying at, I called him 'little Messi' all the way home which they absolutely loved.

Some great memories of travelling involved a football for me now that I think about it!
New season starts on the 6th. The league has gone from 7 to 15 teams this season so it's been split into two divisions of 7 and 8 teams. My team have been put in the top division which at first I had large concerns over but in the last few weeks we've got 3-4 new players in and now i'm far more optimistic than I should be. Realistically I would be happy with 4th but the optimistic part of me thinks a top 2 is possible.
I spent some time in Rio myself, great City! I had a similar situation to you in Columbia. On my way home from a night out some kids in the street kicking a ball around and it lands at my feet. Being drunk, rather than just kick it back I juggle it for a bit then catch it on the back of my neck then knock it back to them (rather impressively considering the drink I had consumed). The kids call me over for a game and I end up playing one on one with this little kid who couldn't have been older than about 14 (I was 23 at the time), we play first to 5, kid has some crazy skills but it's fairly even (mainly due to me pretty much putting him on his **** every time he tries to tackle me) and I think gets to about 3-3 or 3-2 to him.

I was drunk at the time, but I remember clear as day. He sets the ball down on his 'goal line'; (denoted by a line dug out in the street) runs straight at me full speed, I get set to jockey him one way, he steps over the ball, I think I've won it, put a foot in. Nothing, I'm just left standing there on my own. I look behind me and he's standing on my goal line with his foot on the ball grinning at me. Then he goes and does exactly the same thing to me the very next time he gets the ball and its all over.

After it, I felt like he was taking the **** out of me all along, just teasing me knowing that he'd have no probs beating me when he wanted to! The kids walked me back to the hostel I was staying at, I called him 'little Messi' all the way home which they absolutely loved.

Some great memories of travelling involved a football for me now that I think about it!

JUST saw this...great great story mate...
whats the best way to get into football? I was the fat kid in school, and I always played in goal. Now I'm an adult, and although still a bit tubby, on the right track (lost 3 stone in 3 months, 6 to go). I want to get back in the swing of things, because it will help with the fitness and I really love footy, but not really sure about the best way. im obviously pretty **** also, which doesnt help. when i was a kid we'd just go down the park, but now... anyway any ideas?
i work in a 90% female profession, and none of my current mates are that way inclined - i'd be looking for somewhere i could kinda rock up and join in, you know?