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googbye top 4

Guys answer me please, we we beat them in nld which felt like yesterday with a 7 point gap and now theyre ahead of us, thats just baffling,we cant just rely on bale!! holtly is still adjusting and hasnt fired yet and dempey is a waste of space he was always going to be tbh, adebayor-------?!

WUM and such a dodgy name
To be honest, the whole negative / non negative sniping is all getting a bit boring. One this that is certain is that "some" people realy need to stop taking personal offence when someone criticises the team / manager etc. Its not about you. Everyone has a right to vent their opinion, and the people deemed negative (myself included) have as much right to say what they feel as the other posters who think everything is rosey, week in - week out, regardless of results, perfomances, etc. We are all entitled to our tuppence worth. When I hear that posters are thinking of leaving the forum because they dont agree with other people views, I find that all a bit sad and pathetic. It realy isnt THAT important if you disagree with someone. All any of us here are doing is typing on a keyboard on an internet forum Its not life and death.

What I will say is that its getting VERY boring when any person who dares to criticise the team is almost instantly labelled one of the following by certain people (the attention seeking usual suspects) :-

A) A crap fan


C) An Arsenal fan (a highly original one, this ! :-#)

D) A negative tosser !

Personally I have been saying all season that we wont finish in the top 4, but some people cant grasp the fact that if someone says that it doesnt mean they dont WANT the team to. There is nothing I love more.
To be honest, the whole negative / non negative sniping is all getting a bit boring. One this that is certain is that "some" people realy need to stop taking personal offence when someone criticises the team / manager etc. Its not about you. Everyone has a right to vent their opinion, and the people deemed negative (myself included) have as much right to say what they feel as the other posters who think everything is rosey, week in - week out, regardless of results, perfomances, etc. We are all entitled to our tuppence worth. When I hear that posters are thinking of leaving the forum because they dont agree with other people views, I find that all a bit sad and pathetic. It realy isnt THAT important if you disagree with someone. All any of us here are doing is typing on a keyboard on an internet forum Its not life and death.

What I will say is that its getting VERY boring when any person who dares to criticise the team is almost instantly labelled one of the following by certain people (the attention seeking usual suspects) :-

A) A crap fan


C) An Arsenal fan (a highly original one, this ! :-#)

D) A negative tosser !

Personally I have been saying all season that we wont finish in the top 4, but some people cant grasp the fact that if someone says that it doesnt mean they dont WANT the team to. There is nothing I love more.

There's a difference between some of the discussion/bickering that goes on here between regular posters, and people who post in such a way that there is a clear suggestion they are fans of other teams on the wind up.

"RealSpursFan" almost certainly is not a Spurs fan, or a Real fan.
I do not believe myself to be negative, well about ade i would say i am but i dislike him a lot not dislike a player that much since etherington. I have been supportive of all the back 4 and have stuck by walker saying he is a young player who is not the finished article. I have taken to avb and offered my support for his vision, i think the big problem is him not being given the players he needs.

Parker is a bit of a problem in midfield for me because he is quite limited as is dempsey but all the others i have been supportive off. No i think the big thing is people with not a lot going for them having to come on here and find anything someone says in a crticial way and taken it to heart and then accuse them of not being a good enough fan.

So can i get this straight? the is no criticism of any of the players or coaching staff or our buying policy allowed?

Righty got it, will to the party line from now on:-" la da la everything is rosy, glad we did not buy any strikers in the winter transfer window, glad we never played any of our promising younger players in the europa league saving our players for the home league games against fulham and everton.

Now lets hug yeah:barnet:

No criticising is fine, and I agree with both Parker and Dempsey. But just BELIEVE! Believe we're getting third. Arsenal will drop to either or both Everton and Fulham. Chelsea will drop points to both Fulham and Liverpool, and with bale and Lennon we will smash Emirates Marketing Project. It's going to happen I can feel it!
If we get in the top 4 it will be by finishing 4th and above Chelsea.

I hope people are happy with that. It's like people want us just to finish above Arsenal, even if that means finishing 6th and them 7th. For GHod sake guys, who gives a fudge about them. Let them spout there brick about us having never finished above them in 1000000 years or whatever they say these days, lets concentrate on us, lets get top four, lets get champions league football and once again outlast them when we get into the competition.
If we get in the top 4 it will be by finishing 4th and above Chelsea.

I hope people are happy with that. It's like people want us just to finish above Arsenal, even if that means finishing 6th and them 7th. For GHod sake guys, who gives a fudge about them. Let them spout there brick about us having never finished above them in 1000000 years or whatever they say these days, lets concentrate on us, lets get top four, lets get champions league football and once again outlast them when we get into the competition.

Screw you man, I want to finish above those ****s bad!
For me it's about leaving ourselves short yet again, we are echoing the same mistakes, the same attitudes as last season.
We should be home and dry in 3rd or 4th, all we needed was a decent striker and a playmaker - hell even Pav is an upgrade on what we currently have.
Yet the powers that be failed once again to deliver.

The football of late has been slow and lumbering - yes we have lost 3 pacey players in Bale, Lennon and Defoe but who do we have as replacements?
For the wide men no one, our cover is playing for QPR. Upfront we have Dempsey. Slow, mediocre, lumbering Dempsey. It's not good enough and all those saying we should be happy with 5th because that's as good as our squad is then I want to know why this is the case? Why have we sold so many top players and replaced them with mediocre ones?

I think it's acceptable to ask these questions. Sorry to those who think this is negative b
I don't think it's "lack" of fast players. We lack a plan, a style. We should be aiming to play quick football, one touch passing to open teams up. You don't have to be a pacy footballer to do that. I was watching Arsenal against Norwich, sure before 80 minutes they didn't look like scoring but they were creating because they could do one touch football, I was actually very impressed with the way they pressed and then the way they used the ball. I was only thinking imagine if they had a Bale in there team.

We should be looking to play one touch passing, funnily enough I've seen that more in one game (everton last week) than at all this season and we didnt have Defoe, Lennon or Bale in that game. It was Siggy, Carroll and Holtby I believe that did a few one touch passes with eachother to beat about 3 different men. That is what we should be doing, not looking for Dembele to beat 3 men with a dribble or Bale to run past a player with his runs, quick intricate passing is what we should be looking for, it's why I thought we looked in to players like Holtby and giving Carroll a chance, because they have that ability.
For me it's about leaving ourselves short yet again, we are echoing the same mistakes, the same attitudes as last season.
We should be home and dry in 3rd or 4th, all we needed was a decent striker and a playmaker - hell even Pav is an upgrade on what we currently have.
Yet the powers that be failed once again to deliver.

The football of late has been slow and lumbering - yes we have lost 3 pacey players in Bale, Lennon and Defoe but who do we have as replacements?
For the wide men no one, our cover is playing for QPR. Upfront we have Dempsey. Slow, mediocre, lumbering Dempsey. It's not good enough and all those saying we should be happy with 5th because that's as good as our squad is then I want to know why this is the case? Why have we sold so many top players and replaced them with mediocre ones?

I think it's acceptable to ask these questions. Sorry to those who think this is negative b

I understand the slow and lumbering term, but it's not the lack of wide men or strikers that have cost us recently. It's the defence. We've scored twice in our last four games. That's not to be sniffed at, it's a pretty decent haul really. However in scoring those eight goals we also conceded seven. That's pretty much unforgivable. You are giving yourself an impossible task if you are conceding that many.

In fact if you go back as far as the liverpool game, which was the start of our bad run. We've conceded 15 in 7 games.

To add some perspective, prior to that we had conceded 15 goals in 19 games.

(Numbers were hastily calculated so may not be 100% correct.)
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I understand the slow and lumbering term, but it's not the lack of wide men or strikers that have cost us recently. It's the defence. We've scored twice in our last four games. That's not to be sniffed at, it's a pretty decent haul really. However in scoring those eight goals we also conceded seven. That's pretty much unforgivable. You are giving yourself an impossible task if you are conceding that many.

In fact if you go back as far as the liverpool game, which was the start of our bad run. We've conceded 15 in 7 games.

To add some perspective, prior to that we had conceded 15 goals in 19 games.

(Numbers were hastily calculated so may not be 100% correct.)

Our Defence has been worrying me, but wow those figure if true are stark. But why has our defence gone to pot? It can't just be explained by Lennon's absence or EL Fatigue
Why have we sold so many top players and replaced them with mediocre ones?

Because for the last 3 years we were saddled with a manager who had little interest in going for transfer targets with potential - we have never been able to attract finished articles (during the last era) and our top players of the last few years were all brought in before they hit their peak(VdV asides). If we stop buying them at that stage eventually the top talent will run out and we will have to make do with patching the team up with either young players yet to be at the required level (Sigurdsson/Holtby) or finshed articles just to do a job (Dempsey) - whilst we try and unerath bargains like Lloris,Dembele and Vertonghen to fill the void in quality, in fact id say that's something to be positive about - that we can find these gems - it's just a shame we can't dictate what position these types of bargains become available in.
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Because for the last 3 years we were saddled with a manager who had little interest in going for transfer targets with potential - we have never been able to attract finished articles (during the last era) and our top players of the last few years were all brought in before they hit their peak(VdV asides). If we stop buying them at that stage eventually the top talent will run out and we will havd to make do with patching the team up with either young players yet to be at the required level (Sigurdsson/Holtby) or finshed articles just to do a job (Dempsey) - whilst we try and unerath bargains like Lloris,Dembele and Vertonghen

weve were linked with Dembele for over a year.....i think Redknapp and the scouts identified him as a possible replacement for Modric. Vertonghen was lined up whilst Redknapp was still at Spurs. He was even invited to WHL for the Fulham game on the last day so that was a deal already approved by Redknapp

Redknapp wanted Remy, a forward with potential and was at the right age when we negotiated for him. Hazard??? out of our league but Redknapp was interested enough to go and talk to him
To my mind - yes

Even if they take away 4th and give to the FA Cup winner - would UEFA be willing to take the 'risk' of havin Wigan or Milwall in the CL instead of Chelsea or Arsenal? The financial hit would be staggering and a lot of sponsors won't be happy

i thought if the clubs agree to this they be shooting themselves in the foot,if say wigan or millwall won the fa cup they would have to start from qualifying game in july and there be a good chance they will get knocked out straight away meaning less coefficent points being built up, so in the long run it could mean england losing a champion league spot because other clubs in other countries would over take them if they have better sides entering this way.
At the monent it be us,everton,liverpool,arsenal and chelski for that fourth spot where it could be some side fighting relegation or a championship side entering next year.
Also why should a club entering the champions league on the back of winning just 6 games and perhaps against not one premiership team as well where at the moment its done over 38 games against the 19 best sides in england.
Our Defence has been worrying me, but wow those figure if true are stark. But why has our defence gone to pot? It can't just be explained by Lennon's absence or EL Fatigue

I don't know. It's inexplicable in my mind. If anyone else can come up with a theory i'd be happy to hear it.

It's a little silly to blame our offence when our defence has more holes than a block of cheese. If we're expecting to score 3 goals every game because we're conceding 2, it's never going to work.
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I don't know. It's inexplicable in my mind. If anyone else can come up with a theory i'd be happy to hear it.

It's a little silly to blame our offence when our defence has more holes than a block of cheese. If we're expecting to score 3 goals every game because we're conceding 2, it's never going to work.

Central midfield is our problem, they dont create a lot and obviously dont defend very well either, after watching City, Utd and Chelsea at the weekend I had a reality check they are years ahead of us.

tbh I wish I had not watched them.
weve were linked with Dembele for over a year.....i think Redknapp and the scouts identified him as a possible replacement for Modric. Vertonghen was lined up whilst Redknapp was still at Spurs. He was even invited to WHL for the Fulham game on the last day so that was a deal already approved by Redknapp

Redknapp wanted Remy, a forward with potential and was at the right age when we negotiated for him. Hazard??? out of our league but Redknapp was interested enough to go and talk to him

All deals which fit in with what i said - established players/finished articles - nothing coming through to go beyond what we can usually attract

we can't replace Modric with a Modric level player because players that good go to the elite clubs for lot's of money, we need to find these players before they hit their peak. Lloris has the most room to improve to that sort of level but both Dembele and Vertonghen are more or less at their level. Not that they can't be a part of a successful Spurs team
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It's understandable why people are negative about our finish this year, it's now out of hands, and quite typical of us to seemingly throw it away again. I know I'm sick of being called a 'bottlejob' by other teams fans!

However, this season has had some serious ups and downs, we've got a short break, and hopefully that will be enough to refresh our players, every team has some tough games, with City having the easiest run in. So with that, it's a straight fight between Chelsea, Arsenal, Everton and ourselves.

We needI points against Chelsea and City, those are the two key games, all to drop more points though.