Jimmy Neighbour
You're correct about his injuries under Poch but still that's when he's cautious play started. And regarding Jose who I was no fan of, he asked Winks to play forward he didn't do it and so he wasn't selected.Winks missed a lot of games in the last season and a half under Poch. He was always carrying injuries and never looked comfortable.
For all that Jose said about wanting him and the team in general to play the ball forward that wasn't what happened. Kane was about the only one that seemed to play the forward at a high rate. Jose was all about safety first. In Contes few weeks here we've seen all the team looking to play the ball forward more. On the evidence that the team as a whole played safety first under Jose and Nuno and the team as a whole are playing more progressive passes under Conte, I'd go with it's a lot down to the manager and not "the penny finally dropping" with Winks.
With Conte he wants the forward play and he coaches the shape and pattern to create that. Mourinho as I said at the time doesn't coach attacking play, he leaves that to the freedom of the players he mainly focuses on defensive shape. So for a player like Winks there was no system or familiarity to fall back into regarding passes. But the request was there and clear. Conte has made the same demand and makes it an easier thing to follow but still the penny has dropped because he is playing the ball forward when under Poch and Jose there were plenty of opportunities to do so and he would hesitate, pause and play it sideways or backwards.