The honest answer is I don't know. I look for patterns.
What I think I saw last season is cases where players finished games but then became unavailable due to something that happened on the training ground. I also saw really leggy players in weekend games after a full week off. That made me wonder about the training, the bit we can't see. As for the games, I think that part is more visible and is measured in every direction by the statisticians. Probably like you, I saw the chart showing the sprints with and without the ball and how far removed we are from the PL pack. I don't think anyone is in doubt that our game intensity if really high. What I would say is that intensity got even higher when the squad got smaller. That created a snowballing effect. I certainly spotted another pattern early where Ange uses more subs from winning positions than losing ones. That builds additional strain but could also be down to losing Richi and Odo for such a long time. They are such natural subs when you're chasing games.
I don't want to sit on the fence, but I do feel that some of the injuries are due to the Spurs philosophy. Others will be just business as normal. The compounding effect is perhaps the interesting area. I certainly don't have a reason to think our medical team aren't up to scratch though. I did have a suspicion at one point (shared also by people like Steff from memory) that there has been less focus on the individual player plans and more focus on the collective. No way of proving though.
What I was also theorising before is the role of the fitness coach, being in the middle between the football coaches and the medical team. They play a critical link role between the 2 parties. They should have the individual plans and be empowered to make sure the player's fitness is optimised.