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Jan Vertonghen

Typical Vertonghen performance today. When he leaves the club my abiding image of him will be him looking round after a fudge up with the it wasn't my fault expression. He's like that guy in meetings that blames everything on another department.
Ha. Perfect description.

Had a shocker today.
Typical Vertonghen performance today. When he leaves the club my abiding image of him will be him looking round after a fudge up with the it wasn't my fault expression. He's like that guy in meetings that blames everything on another department.

The frustrated creative type that works in data analysis?!

Anyone know why Wimmer wasn't on the bench?
Vertonghen should be our captain, he should be leading us. His attitude is awful sometimes, first 5 minutes he shanks a ball in the air and then has a pop at Lloris for not sorting out the mess.

I think we are in quite a strong position with him, as i think we really dont need to rely on him, i would defo drop Dier back to CB with Toby and give some time on the bench to him and let him earn his place back in via europa league
Agreed. We need to get Rose back in the team ASAP. Davies is not good enough to play for Spurs.

How many times did Vertonghen have a winger running at him on goal cause davies had either lost a header, been turned or out of position? To all ppl who say rose has no positonal sense then watch today. He also can't carry the ball and ends up playing like a league 1 full back clipping balls into the channel.

Poch wtf are u doing mate
The time for making excuses for Vertonghen has to stop now.
So if next to Rose he'd be much better? Really?? Do you not remember some of his poor lacksadaisical efforts when next to Rose, BAE, any other LB you care to name?
Wasn't playing next to Alderweireld supposed to solve these problems anyway?

He's too flimsy and weak for CB imo. Time that he is benched.
The time for making excuses for Vertonghen has to stop now.
So if next to Rose he'd be much better? Really?? Do you not remember some of his poor lacksadaisical efforts when next to Rose, BAE, any other LB you care to name?
Wasn't playing next to Alderweireld supposed to solve these problems anyway?

He's too flimsy and weak for CB imo. Time that he is benched.
Did you go to the game today?.... If so then I'm sure you saw how Davies continually left Vertonghen isolated with Vardy and Mhyrez. Hopefully Roe will be back for Everton next week,
Did you go to the game today?.... If so then I'm sure you saw how Davies continually left Vertonghen isolated with Vardy and Mhyrez. Hopefully Roe will be back for Everton next week,
I agree with this, whilst Vertonghen was hardly faultless today, Davies had an absolute mare and left him isolated with both Mharez and Vardy time and time again. Poyet was in the studio on Norwegian telly and he was ripping into Davies for the goal and several other situations. In just about every defencive situation he was involved in today, it either ended with a free kick in a dangerous position, or the attacker passing him.
Did you go to the game today?.... If so then I'm sure you saw how Davies continually left Vertonghen isolated with Vardy and Mhyrez. Hopefully Roe will be back for Everton next week,

Hopefully Rose is back in agree. But Verts has had mares with Rose there as well, we should let Verts off the hook. Plus he's been brick when we ourselves have set-up even more defensively pragmatic than we currently do so his issue cannot be now be said to be down to which left-back, CB partner etc he plays with.
How many times did Vertonghen have a winger running at him on goal cause davies had either lost a header, been turned or out of position? To all ppl who say rose has no positonal sense then watch today. He also can't carry the ball and ends up playing like a league 1 full back clipping balls into the channel.

Poch wtf are u doing mate

Aaaaaaand who was helping Davies????
He is playing next to a poorly performing left back who consistently left him exposed today

Yes and not only did he not get close to Mahrez or anybody else but he was weak for the aerial challenge that lead to the goal.
Somebody on here was saying he looks ok in a back three that Wales play but i would have thought being able to jump and head a ball would be a requirement for that position.
Jan Vertonghen it's never his fault. Why?

Because he was a top defender for a big team in brick league were you don't have to defend?
Because he looks so good with the ball at his feet?

Vertonghen as a centre half is like instead of having an external wall on one side of your house made of bricks/blocks you instead use a huge jackson pollock canvas. And after the house collapses repeatedly saying "it cant be that wall look at it" and "do you know how much it cost?".