Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
I'd be mildly surprised if we took a player who is "gone" for a likely package of somewhere between 35-50M on a post season tour and included him in a bunch of social media stuff.
I'd be amazed if City has moved for Kyle that they would allow it .. fudge, if I was paying their kind of money, he better be wrapped in cotton wool until he signs.
The more realistic answer is there has been an offer, the club is likely not interested in selling (and sending that message by putting him on tour), and two things need to happen, City is going to have to pay out their ass and Kyle is going to have to insist he absolutely wants out for it to go through.
Bale? (pre or post season, can't remember, but he went - and picked up an 'injury' so he couldn't/wouldn't play).
I still think Walker will be with us next season. Wishful thinking maybe, but your last para sums it up for me. Provided of course that he hasn't fallen out with Poch unreconcilably, which doesn't seem to be the case given that he was still playing the last few games, albeit from the bench.