Terry Dyson
A move away from tribal judgement would surely mean a move away from the right wing nationalist and populists who actively, repeatedly and willfully peddle in tribal judgement.I don't wish to open this particular can of worms anymore and divert another thread from its main topic!
I'll just assert that a person's support of a mainstream politician in a large country should not be automatic grounds for negatively judging their character or them as a person, especially if we aren't absolutely sure precisely which parts of an agenda they may or may not be behind. We've seen the toxicity that has already come from the labelling of Trump or Biden supporters, Corbyn or Johnson voters, pro or anti-Brexit...etc etc.
I hope that there's more of a move away from tribal judgements and towards understanding and appreciation of the individual...aware as I am that there are those who very much prefer identity politics and the definition of people by their labels and groups rather than who they are as a person.
A move away from Bolsonaro, Trump and others that use the vilification of others as a political tool to gain power.
I would support that.