Vivian Woodward
There is that Poch quote that basically says Dembele is the one player he wished he had from a young age, and he puts Dembele in a list with Maradona in terms of his top 5 players worked/played with.
I have honestly never seen a player so hard to dispossess, the tweet above with Lions and the Hippo is fudging hilarious because that's exactly how it looks sometimes with Dembele.
As i say i am not knocking him at all ( but i still think with the ability he has he could/should do better) as for Maradona i am old enough to have seen him in the flesh and he was a amazing player, now Poch knows more then me and if he believes that Dembélé is/should be as good as him then maybe i am right about him not making the most of his talents/ability. Lets be honest if he was up there with Maradona i doubt he would have spent most of his here and at Fulham.