I agree with you completely here. I think some of those who have criticised Sissoko in the past (definitely including Nayim and Scara) have backed themselves into such a corner with their previous criticism that it is now difficult for them to admit that they were wrong about him (I know Scara actually doesn't have it in him to ever admit he was wrong about absolutely anything

) and that Sissoko is proving that it was possible for him to be a valuable member of our squad as quite a few of us on here always thought.
Have I not given a fair critique of him? Have I not stated what he does well, what he doesnt do well, noted his improvement, offered my thoughts on how best to use him?
Or have I simply stated "He is brick" relentlessly?
I have, IMO of course, been consistent in that it is not personal, there is no agenda, and I simply say what I see.
Two years ago he was not a valuable member of the squad. Despite BoLs repetition, one year ago he was not a valuable member of the squad. Couple of odd games where he wasnt a complete liability? Maybe. But not a player of value.
This season is the best he has ever been.
Relative to his previous form, he is basically world class. Relative to the form we expect of a player? He is at best a 6/10 so far.
That is not trying to hammer him, that is observation. He has got to the stage of "doing a job" and not being a complete liability, its not like he is adding value.
You are of course free to disagree, its what keeps the world turning around here ;O) but I do resent the notion I have an agenda, and am trying to save face etc, it simply isnt true.