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*** Official Film Thread ***

Thank GHod we sent our son to private school. The benefit to only having 1 child. Never seen a marvel movie but the clips look awful, do people actually enjoy those movies?
I am not a fan of the Marvel stuff in general.
Guardians of the galaxy are an enjoyable watch however. My lad went through a stage of liking the Marvel films so seen quite a few . These are the standout.
I am not a fan of the Marvel stuff in general.
Guardians of the galaxy are an enjoyable watch however. My lad went through a stage of liking the Marvel films so seen quite a few . These are the standout.

Sometimes I think my son is pretentious and when I see the clips for these movies I am glad he is.
I really enjoyed Ray Fiennes in The Menu, Nicholas Hoult added a welcome dash of humour to it.
I am looking forward to Glass Onion, which could be an even better film in the 'group of strangers go to the island home of a genius' genre.
I saw Park Chan-Wooks (Oldboy/JSA) latest film the other week, Decision to Leave - bit of a by the numbers murder investigation with a love interest type affair, by his standards, but it was well done and worth seeking out. I believe it's released on the Mubi app, for those of you that have it, December 9th.

Saw the trailers for Triangle of Sadness & The Menu at the screening for the above, both looked interesting
Enjoyed She Said. Well-made film about Harvey Weinstein and the Me Too movement. Reminded me a little of Spotlight which is also about journalism. Not showy or pretentious, just an entertaining film about a difficult subject but tastefully done.
Thank GHod we sent our son to private school. The benefit to only having 1 child. Never seen a marvel movie but the clips look awful, do people actually enjoy those movies?

I can see why people who don’t like them are tired of them given how many movies Marvel make. But I love them for the most part. Phase 4 has been disappointing on the whole but superhero films are as popular as they ever have been. There may come a time where people get sick of them but not any time soon IMO.
All Quiet on the Western Front (Netflix) is excellent.

Watched this last night, hell of a film and pretty gut wrenching at times - Interesting watching from the German perspective.

One thing that does rankle with these films is the crazy amount of cigs, booze and food the soldiers seem to have though - I get it if it's showing the fat war pigs chowing on their banquet whilst poor folk are getting mulched up in the frenzy of war as a juxtaposition but it seemed a bit gratuitous. Also so many Hollywood-esque near escapes for Paul where it didn't seem feasible for him to make it through but guess it wouldn't be easy to follow if it's not following one character through it.

That's why Band of Brothers will never be surpassed (imo and appreciating that it's a different war and format of "entertainment"), it can pick up and leave so many of the soldiers as the reality of it was that pretty soon the replacements were being replaced by replacements.

@Lilbaz No one is forcing you to watch the superhero films, luckily most people are aware that other genres of film definitely do exist and are available at the cinema, although Violent Night looks class and I hope you enjoy it. Parallel thinking does happen but it seems like it's pretty much a copy of an excellent Tim Robinson sketch not that that is a bad thing...
If you're sick of super hero films (tbf i am now) this looks a refreshing change of pace.

Saw it tonight. Not as good as I was hoping for but worth a watch nonetheless. Like a cross between Die Hard and Home Alone, just don’t expect it to be anywhere near as good as those films and you’ll enjoy it. There are some class scenes that give Home Alone a run for its money I will leave it at that.
Watched this last night, hell of a film and pretty gut wrenching at times - Interesting watching from the German perspective.

One thing that does rankle with these films is the crazy amount of cigs, booze and food the soldiers seem to have though - I get it if it's showing the fat war pigs chowing on their banquet whilst poor folk are getting mulched up in the frenzy of war as a juxtaposition but it seemed a bit gratuitous. Also so many Hollywood-esque near escapes for Paul where it didn't seem feasible for him to make it through but guess it wouldn't be easy to follow if it's not following one character through it.

That's why Band of Brothers will never be surpassed (imo and appreciating that it's a different war and format of "entertainment"), it can pick up and leave so many of the soldiers as the reality of it was that pretty soon the replacements were being replaced by replacements.

@Lilbaz No one is forcing you to watch the superhero films, luckily most people are aware that other genres of film definitely do exist and are available at the cinema, although Violent Night looks class and I hope you enjoy it. Parallel thinking does happen but it seems like it's pretty much a copy of an excellent Tim Robinson sketch not that that is a bad thing...

I know nobody is forcing me to watch them. That's why i've stopped watching them.
Watched this last night, hell of a film and pretty gut wrenching at times - Interesting watching from the German perspective.

One thing that does rankle with these films is the crazy amount of cigs, booze and food the soldiers seem to have though - I get it if it's showing the fat war pigs chowing on their banquet whilst poor folk are getting mulched up in the frenzy of war as a juxtaposition but it seemed a bit gratuitous. Also so many Hollywood-esque near escapes for Paul where it didn't seem feasible for him to make it through but guess it wouldn't be easy to follow if it's not following one character through it.

That's why Band of Brothers will never be surpassed (imo and appreciating that it's a different war and format of "entertainment"), it can pick up and leave so many of the soldiers as the reality of it was that pretty soon the replacements were being replaced by replacements.
I thought it was quite brilliant and have thought about the film a few times since. A sign of a good movie usually (or a very bad one).

I wouldn't agree that the condition of the soldier's lives versus those of the generals behind the lines was that much over-exaggerated. In those times it might have been pretty close to reality. It didn't descend into Melchett territory at least. The stark contrast worked for me anyway.

And the point I would think is to consider the end of the story (no spoilers) in comparison to the unlikely events that lead him to that juncture. The futility of the whole exercise was one of the themes, no?

Band of Brothers is peerless.
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I thought it was quite brilliant and have thought about the film a few times since. A sign of a good movie usually (or a very bad one).

I wouldn't agree that the condition of the soldier's lives versus those of the generals behind the lines was that much over-exaggerated. In those times it might have been pretty close to reality. It didn't descend into Melchett territory at least. The stark contrast worked for me at least.

And the point I would think is to consider the end of the story (no spoilers) in comparison to the unlikely events that lead him to that juncture. The futility of the whole exercise was one of the themes, no?

Band of Brothers is peerless.

Agree on your first paragraph, my intention wasn't to imply it isn't brilliant and a film should linger with you to help you explore the themes etc

I perhaps wasn't clear on the provisions point, I'm saying that there wasn't much of a stark contrast (beyond the decor / service and warmth, which I do appreciate is a massive, massive difference) as those on the front line always appear to have a cig on the go, or are munching on some food, or have liquor which they share willingly to anyone nearby. Stuff like that doesn't usually last too long.

And yep, futility is probably the best word for WW1 (and probably all wars in the long run). My point is the soldiers don't / didn't get the chance to gaze solemnly at the horrors around them as they draw their last breath or do the classic "tell my wife I love her" trope - The brutality of war (at least according to my history teacher on a trip to the Somme) doesn't allow for such reflection -
It's only my opinion but Paul would have just got finished off in the bunker

Glad we agree on BoB! Pretty devestated the series about pilots never got up and running but The pacific was excellent too.
I can see why people who don’t like them are tired of them given how many movies Marvel make. But I love them for the most part. Phase 4 has been disappointing on the whole but superhero films are as popular as they ever have been. There may come a time where people get sick of them but not any time soon IMO.

I really enjoy the Raimi Spidermans, the Burton and Nolan Batmans, and the Del Toro Blade. But I think having proper directors who came from indie films, rather than studio hacks, was the thing that made those 10 or so exceptional, compared to the rest of the chaff.