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*** Official Film Thread ***

Watched "Stop Making Sense" -Talking heads tonight for the first time - I appreciate it isn't technically a feature length film despite it being listed as such on Amazon prime but fudge me - Throughout the show I was either grinning like a Cheshire cat or had the stank face, I don't know Talking Heads that well but I was gripped throughout.

Aesthetics were incredible. As was the musicality. Incredible energy too. I was blown away.

I fudgein love that David Byrne started off with the most well known song by himself to essentially show that all of their music is rather amazing.
I love listening to the old bbc radio drama's, getting a picture in my head of who the character is and googling the actor/actress to see what they look like.
Most of the time its absolutely nothing like the image in my head.

I remember reading character actor John Moffat saying radio allowed him to play roles he would never had been offered in the visual world.
Watched "Stop Making Sense" -Talking heads tonight for the first time - I appreciate it isn't technically a feature length film despite it being listed as such on Amazon prime but fudge me - Throughout the show I was either grinning like a Cheshire cat or had the stank face, I don't know Talking Heads that well but I was gripped throughout.

Aesthetics were incredible. As was the musicality. Incredible energy too. I was blown away.

I fudgein love that David Byrne started off with the most well known song by himself to essentially show that all of their music is rather amazing.
Someone suggested watching that a few years ago, and I was blown away. Is that the best ever concert put to film? Certainly what I've seen. What a showman too. Seen it several times since, and it never gets less amazing. I've gone and listened to those songs in their album form, and IMO they are not as good as the concert version.
Someone suggested watching that a few years ago, and I was blown away. Is that the best ever concert put to film? Certainly what I've seen. What a showman too. Seen it several times since, and it never gets less amazing. I've gone and listened to those songs in their album form, and IMO they are not as good as the concert version.

I would be inclined to say so, legit considering rewatching it tonight haha. Unless There was a filming crew at Bill Withers live at Carnegie hall I'm not sure if it's be topped!

I'm not usually in to what is often described as 80's in terms of vibe but everything about that show was incredible, even if it may have been fueled mainly by cocaine!
I finally watched "boy" by Taika Waititi partially due to some recommendations on here. What a film.

I feel like I was partially mislead by it being listed as a comedy (on the streaming service I watched it on) as it was rather gut wrenching despite a bunch of proper chuckles in there.

So much about impressionability as well as adults not taking responsibility or "growing up", which were addressed in an interesting way. Dumb thought but I also fudgein love the accents displayed, very endearing. Felt the same watching Flight of the Conchords, New Zealand seems like an awesome place.

It seems a bit basic of me to compare how engaging / touching I found it much like Jojo's rabbit, compared to Thor Love and Thunder which seemed very played out. Ironically the latter will have made a brick load more money no doubt (I want to add that I enjoyed Ragnorak thoroughly so I'm not claiming to be "above" marvel films or anything like that)
I finally watched "boy" by Taika Waititi partially due to some recommendations on here. What a film.

I feel like I was partially mislead by it being listed as a comedy (on the streaming service I watched it on) as it was rather gut wrenching despite a bunch of proper chuckles in there.

So much about impressionability as well as adults not taking responsibility or "growing up", which were addressed in an interesting way. Dumb thought but I also fudgein love the accents displayed, very endearing. Felt the same watching Flight of the Conchords, New Zealand seems like an awesome place.

It seems a bit basic of me to compare how engaging / touching I found it much like Jojo's rabbit, compared to Thor Love and Thunder which seemed very played out. Ironically the latter will have made a brick load more money no doubt (I want to add that I enjoyed Ragnorak thoroughly so I'm not claiming to be "above" marvel films or anything like that)
Just watched Hunt for the wilder people this evening.Really enjoyed it.Also loved Jo Jo Rabbit. Will be giving boy a watch at some point in the very near future. As really enjoyed his films so far.

Won’t bother with Thor as not really got into the Marvel Stuff except Guardians as they are a bit different from the others.

Watched Interstellar the other night. Tried years ago but could not get past the sound issues with the dialogue and music. Persevered this time and thought it was excellent. A film that will stay with you. Although at points the dialogue is so quiet. Read it was criticised for that on original release and Nolan said he would not change it.
Just watched Hunt for the wilder people this evening.Really enjoyed it.Also loved Jo Jo Rabbit. Will be giving boy a watch at some point in the very near future. As really enjoyed his films so far.

Won’t bother with Thor as not really got into the Marvel Stuff except Guardians as they are a bit different from the others.

Watched Interstellar the other night. Tried years ago but could not get past the sound issues with the dialogue and music. Persevered this time and thought it was excellent. A film that will stay with you. Although at points the dialogue is so quiet. Read it was criticised for that on original release and Nolan said he would not change it.

Thor Ragnarok is worth a watch if you liked GotG
Do you need to be up with what’s going on in previous Thor films or does it Standalone ?

I wasn't and don't think it effected anything - there is a bit of carry over, same with all marvel movies but it's easy to piece together what you've missed
I wasn't and don't think it effected anything - there is a bit of carry over, same with all marvel movies but it's easy to piece together what you've missed

Ok I’ll have a look. Really enjoyed Watiti’s films was surprised he took on Thor and Marvel.
You do. But the backstory could be explained in 30 seconds, then enjoy it. Cause it doesn't really fit with what went before in tone.

I see. I’ll find a video on YouTube that will give a recap of story before I dive in.
This is what Kiwis voted their best ever films (in 2014, so pre-Hunt for the Wilderpeople):

1. Once Were Warriors
2. Boy
3. Whale Rider
4. Goodbye Pork Pie
5. Heavenly Creatures
6. The Piano
7. In My Father's Den
8. Utu
9. Smash Palace
10. The Quiet Earth

As well as Boy, I really like Once Were Warriors, Whale Rider, Heavenly Creatures and The Quiet Earth. Hated The Piano though.
I see. I’ll find a video on YouTube that will give a recap of story before I dive in.

The only real bit is why the hulk is on an alien planet. Which you never really find out anyway. And loki faked his death in thor 2.

That's it pretty much.
The only real bit is why the hulk is on an alien planet. Which you never really find out anyway. And loki faked his death in thor 2.

That's it pretty much.
Thanks for the summary. Might be a Sunday night easy to watch choice. Not sure the better half will want to watch it tho.
Rewatching 10 Cloverfield Lane, remember it the first time and the twists and turn were a shocker with the main threat not actually being outside but inside with them