Bill Brown
Lets ave it
#PhilNevilleBehaviour Promising himself a Kit Kat if he can do a successful pass forwards to a man in Blue.
#PhilNevilleBehaviour having the slowest step over in the world
Being a 36 year old man and having blonde highlights #PhilNevilleBehaviour
#PhilNevilleBehaviour Pre match: eating protein bars, doing yoga, bums and tums. match day: *Trips over lace, costs us a goal*
Performing such a brick dive you force your embarrassed manager to publicly apologise #PhilNevilleBehaviour
Scoring for united & liverpool whilst playing for Everton #PhilNevilleBehaviour
Making step overs look difficult. #PhilNevilleBehaviour
#PhilNevilleBehaviour Self proclaiming yourself "fizzer"
#PhilNevilleBehaviour Backing off the winger so much you might as well be in the Street End with us all.
Managing to get your own fans to hate you in one day #PhilNevilleBehaviour
The ability to run into the opposing 18 yard box then turn around and pass it back to Howard #PhilNevilleBehaviour
#PhilNevilleBehaviour Treating himself to a KitKat Chunky IF we win, not WHEN we win. Negative taco.
in tears at some of these. brilliant.
Means insulting or dissing someone