Jimmy Neighbour
Plan A is play lots of intricate triangles throughout the pitch until the pen box where the constant rotation of the ball opens up space and allows for a easy shot on goal.Worry about a Plan B once we can see a Plan A
The problem is we aren't getting that rotation of the ball right. Too many 2nd touches, not enough passes through the line. Few players who can actually dribble and beat their man. It just means we end up playing a lot short square passes up to the pen box with the opposition defenders completely set up and ready to defend.
We need someone deeper in midfield who can play passes both over longer distances and accurately through the lines. We need to add variety to the way we play. I think we need at least one proper dribbler on the wing, I'd ideally like two but at least one dribbler and one creator and one of them able to reliably score goals. Plus a striker who can finish, and be involved in the play when neccesary. All imo of course.