Vic Buckingham
Here's one of him flirting with Pulis
Replace that with a brown paper bag and you're onto something mate.
Here's one of him flirting with Pulis
I agree with your overall sentiments about careful team selection BUT it has to be remembered that we had the same schedule as Chelski and Arsenal before we played them...
I think that we should make Steff jealous by posting pictures of Sam kissing other men
That's not a very nice thing to say about milo.Dear GHod, someone who's more repulsive than Fat Sam himself.
You bastard! How can I ever un-see these!!!!!!! Bottom right is particularly grotesque and sticky (this is genius, you win the internet)...
Photoshopping one's face - is that what it's called nowadays?***Steff disappears to Photoshop his face over Miley Cyrus***
Anyone know which of out players are one booking away from a suspension? Obviously any suspensions incurred today will rule players out of the final
Plenty of muscle, and key players saved for the bigger matches in Florence and at Wembley.
Anyone know which of out players are one booking away from a suspension? Obviously any suspensions incurred today will rule players out of the final