Steffen Freund
Thanks for taking the time to post and articulate that.I feel I've articulated an answer to that question elsewhere? Happy to give it a go again.
There is a long-term project/style in place. The club bought into it. The staff bought into it. The boardroom bought into it. We have put together a squad suited to that project/style. We have taken the route of youth maturing over a couple of years, alongside a few slightly older heads. We find ourselves with an injury crisis and having to use youth beyond their natural development stages. If we panic now, and throw out 18 months of work for some short-term pragmatism, firstly there is no guarantee that a pragmatic approach will work because they players are trained into a system and the pragmatism being demanded around here would require training ground work (we barely have the time between matches and recovery). It is uncomfortable, yes. But the bright spots are that certain players are growing into giants during this time. Learning so so much.
You ask about a red line. Here's mine.
If we enter the summer with a board which has not supported the manager in a way that helps him do his job -and if with a fitter/more available squad we continue to be unable to achieve any true consistency, then I think he would leave anyway. But for me personally, it would have to be pretty desperate/flirting with relegation to not give another chunk of time to make this work. But the most important buy-in will be at boardroom level.
I'm not a million miles away from where you are at. My key difference being I don't it's just the injuries that are the problem. And also understand that injuries are a part of sport, so you have to adapt.
Hopefully we can get to a 22 man squad that can plug and play Ange's way.