Vic Buckingham
I see someone's avatar is protected and can't be changed. :-k Aren't we supposed to be far too good to be playing these kinds of teams?
No no, that can't be right...come on Scara, you have to let it go matey!!!!!
I see someone's avatar is protected and can't be changed. :-k Aren't we supposed to be far too good to be playing these kinds of teams?
Handy that Lazio didnt hold out
Caulker doesn't make mistakes does he. What I like about him is he does it all quietly, doesn't do anything amazing, doesn't do anything stupid, just gets on with the game and you hardly even see him, been great and will only get better
read the fudging statment again. weve supposedly been predictable for years yet weve finished 4th 5th 4th =D>
I dont get it. I cant see a pressing game at all. I dont understand why we are soooo laboured in our approach. We play like strangers. Everyone stands around hoping someone else will do something.
Defoe CANT keep starting up front by himself. He cant play with Sig or Dempsey behind him. We just are tactically so woeful - can anyone see what AVB is trying to do? I cant. Its so boring at the moment. We arent creating anything. Virtually all our recent goals have been deflections, or tap ins.
Please can we have some invention from somewhere.
Stop playing two DMs - it aint working.
More positives than negatives for me. Naughton is fit and Hudd got 90 mins. Falque was no worse than anyone else. Caulker was good and Walker had some good moments. Lennon and Defoe were bright. Lloris had almost nothing to do. Sandro was a beast. Diusappointed by Townsend. Who did I forget?
My homie Sigurddson.
I'm stunned that some people were saying Sigurdsson was by far and away our best signing of the summer and he'll be worth double by the end of the season. I didn't watch much of Swansea, was he playing like this for them, if he was what is it that these posters were seeing in him?
I've not given up hope, there must be something there, but based solely on his Spurs performances he's making those posters look a bit foolish.
I came home to find that the match didn't record for me. Understandably I was disappointed but if this thread is reflective of how the match went, then I think I'm glad I missed it.
I came home to find that the match didn't record for me. Understandably I was disappointed but if this thread is reflective of how the match went, then I think I'm glad I missed it.