Sheikh Ma Nuggets
Tony Parks
Yes, always the odd one. They tend to say things like "I'm not talking to you anymore" and post big Z's.
Defend your post or leave the thread...
Yes, always the odd one. They tend to say things like "I'm not talking to you anymore" and post big Z's.
Defend your post or leave the thread...
Not really, your entire arguement through this thread has been that abuse is abuse and that culture or social aspects should be avoided. This isn't the case as clearly these girls have been targetted not because they are a safer option, but because they deserve to be targetted.
Wookie, he says people need to go back to school - yet, obviously, he can't grasp simple fundamentals himself :lol:
Not really, your entire arguement through this thread has been that abuse is abuse and that culture or social aspects should be avoided. This isn't the case as clearly these girls have been targetted not because they are a safer option, but because they deserve to be targetted.
Wookie, he says people need to go back to school - yet, obviously, he can't grasp simple fundamentals himself :lol:
No wookie. That is not my entire point. That's why I asked people to actually read.
My point was about the suggestions in this thread. Example - smn using these guys religion (an assumption based on race) as a reason why they did it. Using something only specific to a certain race, for a crime that is done by all races.
Because Pakistani people will socialise with each other, so the peados amongst them have come up with their way. While white people socialise, and the peados amongst them do it online.
Whats your theory on the white fiddlers ?
The issue is pedophilia, not race or religion. But it makes sense that different cultures will have their own way of doing it. Just as different cultures have their own way of doing everything (legal or illegal).
This is not the case, these people were not all paedophiles searching out other paedophiles, they knew each other through association and were all indoctrinated into paedophilia. To find active paedophiles working together in the physical world is not normal, not in the slightest. To find a large group of men working together in one town is completely exceptional. Clearly the way to get to the bottom of this issue here is NOT paedophilia for paedophilias sake and IS everything to do with the cultrual and social backgorund of these men. If you want to stamp it out, that is exactly where to focus.
This is not the case, these people were not all paedophiles searching out other paedophiles, they knew each other through association and were all indoctrinated into paedophilia. To find active paedophiles working together in the physical world is not normal, not in the slightest. To find a large group of men working together in one town is completely exceptional. Clearly the way to get to the bottom of this issue here is NOT paedophilia for paedophilias sake and IS everything to do with the cultrual and social backgorund of these men. If you want to stamp it out, that is exactly where to focus.
that reminds me of a news story i heard years a go - about some small town in France where, like everyone was a peado and all swapped their kids around and stuff - even used to do the school exchange stuff so they could get some fresh meat in every once and a while, think that was what eventually led to them being rumbled
I acknowledged that different cultures have their own way of committing this crime. But that doesn't mean you attack the whole race and suggest you attack the whole community.
Leeds posted 90% of online is done by White ppl. Yet I have yet to see anyone on here discuss that point and suggest reasons for it. I take it you want our culture and social backgrounds targeted as well so that we can stop this minority?
It's already been targetted, most white offenders were abused themselves. That is why millions upon millions of pounds is spent with social services to monitor and prevent further abuse from happening in, for instance, foster care. A lot of the problem was also created by the Catholic church, which again, has been heavily overhauled to make sure these abuses stop. The net result is that the current swathe of online abusers will diminish as less new abusers are "created" as the abuse cycle diminishes. Social targets identified and tackled directly. I doubt you'll ever eradicate it but at least abuse in care/clergy/education has been massively reduced by dealing with it head on, the same way as most on here are suggesting.
Also, incredible straw man there, nice. No one is suggesting character assasination of all muslims, simply that to understand the crime you need to understand the motivators. In this case, the motivation is punishing unclean girls that deserve all they have coming to them.
Actually, someone did bring the whole religion into it. Questioning the morals of millions of people because of what a few did.
And haven't you just proven my point? When you talk about abuse with White people it is not down to a typical White race way of living. But when it is Pakistani, you want their race made a big deal of?
Ooooh scared!!![]()
Golfball, putting aside the argument regarding dragging in the entire race for one mis-demeanour for a moment, can you at least acknowledge that THIS case, just this one case, does indeed have tones of racism about it? that this group of Asian men ONLY targeted a group of white English children?
This is where this thread has slipped, IMHO. It started off talking of this particular case, but has wandered off-track somewhat.
You attacked a whole religion based on what a minority have done. If you fail to understand that (which you clearly do) then yes you need to go back to school (and fail again).
Now, which fundamental have I not grasped? I'm grasping you are struggling to keep up with the debate. Your post is not relevant to what the others said anyway. You are out there on your own, just as I suspect you are in real life which is why you struggle on here.
To follow your ridiculous strawman (what is it they say about people who need to use strawmans? :-k) would suggest that the Judge needs to go back to school too. So, maybe you need to take it up with him too; because, clearly everyone else is wrong...except for attention-seeking little golfball :lol: But that's always been the way with you on here: you think you're bang-on with everything, and you dismiss completely out-of-hand anything which might differ. That's why I've ALWAYS come to find your behaviour both extremely predictable and extremely boring.
A point of irony here: you claim to 'rip' others, yet I notice Wookie ripping your boring backside to pieces right this minute? Hmm. I could too; we all could, but you're boring as hell and it holds absolutely no interest for me. I know you'll pop-up - as you predictably do - in some thread which I've posted on in x days time, and it'll be the same 'look at golfball' performance, all over again: rinse and repeat. I've told you before to get a life and stop hanging on my coattails, so I can only deduce that you've absolutely nothing better to worry about in your life? If you do - which is what you always claim - then why are you so obsessed with me? You never see me replying to your posts, why; because I couldn't give a brick what you've got to say.
And you've seriously got the temerity to claim others struggle??? My word sunshine, talk about looking yourself in the mirror. Your life - as we can all see - revolves around logging into glory-glory and having tif-for-tat arguments with people whom you've never met, and never will. How fulfilling, christ - we're so in awe!? You can't even take a polite hint to fudge off and that we're not interested; your life hangs on getting a reaction, any reaction will do. I just find that quite sad, seriously sad actually.
There's more to life than the internet fella; why do you seriously care so much about what I, or others, write on here? I don't, I don't give a fudge - never have, and never will. And I make no secret of that either. I just don't see the point. I don't see how it's important to my life, or ever would be? I don't know you. I don't want to know you. I'll talk to you, chat some brick, but - please - don't ever think you're important to me. So why force yourself on me? Why go to such great lengths to try and make yourself something to me that you never will? I'm trying to do you a favour, but you're so intent on wasting your time that you never listen.
I never engage you, you always engage me. But why? I'm not interested. I never solicit a conversation with you, yet you do me - so why? Time after time I've told you that my view of your opinion is worth so little, that I shall never grace it with any respect at all, no matter how hard you try. So, why would you keep on bothering, when you know this? By all means engage/debate/WUM others - it's upto you how you wish to spend your leisure time - but just don't bother with me, that's all. I give you the ZZzzz... treatment, as I'm reminding you of how I take everything, and anything you say. That's just pure and utter honesty: move on fella, nothing to see here.
I should hope that this now puts an end to your behaviour; you've now been told - in no uncertain terms - exactly where I stand: absolutely and categorically no attempts whatsoever to engage, solicit of goad me in into any form of communication whatsoever. Any and all attempts will be reported, and I'll make no further warnings on this.
For the record: also sending this notice to you as a private message so you are fully aware of my position.