David Ginola
Frankly, Brexit makes me want to bang my head against a wall but I similarly respect your view and I hope that the vision you have of how the UK would look post Brexit is how it turns out. I don't think it will be some kind of Mad Max wasteland by any means but I do think we'll be a poorer, more insular nation, potentially smaller, potentially having fudged Ireland up the ass and potentially with slightly more deregulation to attempt to balance the negative short-medium term effects.
...and you wonder why Danish is a fan!?
Again, agreed that the EU's current approach to Africa is reprehensible. Fully agreed. Though he's delusional if he thinks the UK isn't making a pretty penny from that and won't continue to throw its weight around to take advantage of poorer nations.
Also agree that the EU is a corporatist club. Ironically again, the UK is probably one of the most corporate countries in there and this dream of some kind of left wing exit from the EU is a dream. Look at the current party, look at their rhetoric, look at some of the ways people have suggested we could deal with a no deal Brexit and then please explain to me how we're going to become less corporate, more protective of workers rights with Brexit?
The EU is irrelevent to trade is genuinely one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life. Its good to be global, I want the UK to be global. However, many countries (especially those with advanced economies) will have their closer neighbours as amongst their biggest trading partners. And most of them are in....a trade association with their partners. Apparently we're different though.
I've always been a remainer, won't hide that. I've always also thought there are some big problems with the EU. I think that many of these problems will get worse with Brexit. I guess we will see though. I hope the UK becomes a global player with beneficial bilateral trade deals, cultural exchange, workers rights and an open, tolerant approach to immigration, then great, count me in. Colour me skeptical though and most of the types who I've met who support Brexit don't exactly fill me with hope either.
Good post.
Is the EUs approach to Africa so bad? It provided 10s of billions of aid https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/regi...ogrammes-eu-development-assistance-african_en and has various programmes I can't say I've understood. Haven't people on here said that the EU doesn't have any tariffs for the 50 poorest nations so long as what is traded is not arms? Which covers African nations. Is this correct?
It's interesting to hear new perspectives. What are the big problems with the EU? I think we can gain more from those who are pro remain outlining EU problems, and those who are pro brexit outlining the challanges we face under Brexit. It might be more ballanced.
The only thing I'd disagree with you on is hope and the people who support Brexit. I've met many and they think I am one of them
ps the hypocrisy of Dyson is that he helped campaign for Brexit saying Brexit would be good for business! Then on its eve he moves his business HQ out the country. Draw your conclusions.
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