Frederic Kanoute
@billyiddo can you tell I am not a fan of AVB?
I'll try and leave it alone.
So he didn't get parachuted in to that job, nor start his career through billionaire connections then? It was earned off his own back
Glad we cleared that up.
So he didn't get parachuted in to that job, nor start his career through billionaire connections then? It was earned off his own back
Glad we cleared that up.
Is that supposed to be a negative?
Considering he was only here a little over a year the impact he managed to have on some of you is quite staggering
No I am sad that you have to be born with the right connections to get those opportunities in the first place.don’t you just hate it when people get more opportunities when they simply work hard at something
No he was just lucky to be rich enough to live next to Bobby Robson.
Don't know mate can't prove it. But it must surely help to become friends and get leg up on the way.Do all the people lucky enough to live next to football managers end up forging a career in the game, winning multiple honors?
I didn't say it was a negative. He talks a very good game and is clearly an intelligent guy. Whether or not he actually delivers on that is another matter, certainly with regards to his record in this country.
You're quite right about the impact he had in just over a year here. Some think he's the next SAF. Others think he's a complete donkey. I fall somewhere in between. I don't think he's a terrible manager, I just don't think he's as great as some make out he is. He would certainly still be managing in Europe if he was the top manager that some portray him to be.
Could also say the same about Sherwood, he was here for roughly 6 months and you would think he relegated us.
Don't know mate can't prove it. But it must surely help to become friends and get leg up on the way.
Sherwood worked at the club for years prior to becoming manager and was here as a player when he supposedly done a number on Hoddle whilst he played under him - he didn't just turn up as caretaker manager one day unknown to everyone.
I don't recall the same venom directed at him before though. Obviously it gets magnified when he became manager but I've not encountered it much in real life either/outside of this forum.
It's throwing money at some very established managers, some of whom have some pretty decent trophy cabinets at home - AVB's isn't bad.
Have a look at his company:
You may not rate it much, but it's a long way from getting sacked by Villa
I can imagine he interviews very well too. Probably says all the right things and wows the person asking him questions.
What would be your category for Sherwood then?
Unfortunately he does not have the billionaire connections of AVB to keep getting parachuted into these jobs. The 2 poor 1/2 seasons were in the only “elite” league he managed in. As for the season he did well at Spurs well as it has often been said he had Bale make him look good, just like Chris Coleman has benefitted in the Wales job. Poch hasn’t won any trophies yet but his performance as a coach in an Elite League is absolutely in comparable with AVB. I am sure he wouldn’t trade what he is doing with Spurs for the Russian and Portuguese league trophies or even the Europa League. Poch is rightly receiving plaudits as a top coach and has spurs challenging for the PL and in the Champions League. AVB? Well he is wittering on about car crashes in China. He should know, his career in England was one.
It’s not even like AVB has one over Sherwood in the personality stakes either
He’s a bit of a jumped up brick really when things don’t go his way. Imagine the the bile that would have spewed forth if Any of those articles been attributed to Sherwood rather than the slick Portuguese one.
I got no problem putting him in the same catogory. But a little higher than AVB, because same league, same players, same season. He done better than that Charlatan
See this is where you're letting your rather perculiar hatred/obsession of AVB cloud your judgement - Tim Sherwood on the same level as a multiple trophy/title winner - there's literally no argument to be made for that being the case and if uttered aloud in real life would likely see you dragged kicking and screaming to the looney bin (or given a spot on the Sunday Supplement)
Like has already been said opportunity was given to one and not the other. When both were in an equal position...... same league..... same players.....same season....Sherwood came out on top.
Like has already been said opportunity was given to one and not the other. When both were in an equal position...... same league..... same players.....same season....Sherwood came out on top.