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He's currently embroiled in an argument on Twitter with a Sunderland who has questioned whether it did actually happen.


Fantastic player in his day, was heartbroken when he left us for that horrible lot, but the lengths he is going to remain relevant are (even by his standards) quite astounding.
Will the troubles of poor Sol never end?

Sol Campbell rants on Twitter over mansion tax

Sol Campbell launched a scathing attack on Labour’s mansion tax policy today, branding the party the “grim reaper” of business.

The former England footballer took to Twitter to vent his anger over Ed Miliband’s plan to impose a levy on homes worth more than £2 million, which he said would spark “uproar” across the UK.

He told his 33,000 Twitter followers to “listen to George Osborne” and to “embrace the people and companies who make this country great”.

In a string of posts, the ex-Arsenal and Tottenham defender urged Labour to change tack and to “think out of the box”. “Don’t go back, look forward,” he tweeted. He questioned Labour’s lack of policy targeting tax avoidance from multinationals, suggesting the issue “may be too complicated for @UKLabour to decipher”.

He said it was unfair to expect people whose main income comes from the value of their home to pay the tax, or those who have “risked a lot” in buying property. He suggested that instead of a mansion tax, a flexible council tax, linked to earnings, could be introduced.

Mr Campbell would be hit hard by the tax if Labour wins next year’s general election. He owns a six-storey, five-bedroom house in Chelsea and a house in Northumberland. During the 2012 London Olympics he advertised his Chelsea home to rent for £75,000 a week.

Last week Labour said the mansion tax would raise £1.2 billion a year towards its proposed £2.5 billion recruitment drive in the NHS.

More than 100,000 homes would be subject to the tax, according to property evaluator Zoopla, meaning each of the eligible households would have to pay an average of £11,100 each a year, although Ed Balls said the levy would be tiered so those owning more expensive houses would pay significantly more than those closer to £2 million.

In his rant on Twitter this morning, Mr Campbell said:

“#MansionTax? Why should we except [sic] this? @UKLabour are the grim reaper of business entrepreneurs or anyone that has done well!

“Some people only have their houses to support their incomes, some have been lucky or have risked a lot with their properties.

“They don’t trust bankers or the stocks and shares market and now labour want to penalise everyone with a £2million+ home!

“Is it just London or nationwide? If UK wide there are hotspots up & down the country with £2mill+ homes which have nothing to do with London.

“This Tax on homes is a cheap & easy way to extract money from individuals that have done well! Does @UKLabour want to kill the top market?

“They talk about rolling the tax up when you sell your home! We already have stamp duty which has gone up, capital gains tax, death duties.

“What about @google, @amazon, @Starbucks etc who pay less tax in UK than some top earners, maybe too complicated for @UKLabour to decipher...

“Suggestion: separate & flexible council tax linked to actual earning; if you earn a lot you pay more, if not working you pay very little?

“Think out of the box @UKLabour. Don’t go back, look forward. An Englishman’s home is his castle, there will be uproar with this tax!

“Look after the needy and embrace the people and companies who make this country great! Listen to @George_Osborne @Conservatives last night!”


He'd be Prime Mininster now if he wasn't ...
Do you think RSol would have put this suggestion:

Suggestion: separate & flexible council tax linked to actual earning; if you earn a lot you pay more, if not working you pay very little?

If he was still spanking £100k + per week?
So Sol Campbell puts his want of money ahead of the needs of the NHS. Man of the people.

How will any person reading his moan be able to relate and empathise with him?
Well at least he is trying to make himself useful and attempting to strike up intelligent debates.

BUT.............They're not good enough to waste my time on, not sure why there is a thread at all for him on here.
Well at least he is trying to make himself useful and attempting to strike up intelligent debates.

BUT.............They're not good enough to waste my time on, not sure why there is a thread at all for him on here.

Why do we have threads for this or that? Some people just can't help themselves I guess.
Re: Sol Campbell not making friends in the north-east.

Bugger, just seen this is already in the RSol thread. Please delete.
Former England defender Sol Campbell has urged the FA to sack first team coach Gary Neville and employ him instead

Neville has worked alongside Roy Hodgson for England since May 2012, and is also a pundit for Sky Sports, something which has wrangled with many who feel he cannot perform both duties simultaneously.

It's the matter of coaching badges, however, that appears to be concerning ex-Arsenal and England captain Campbell, who believes he deserves a top job.

Get rid of Gary Neville and get me in instead. I've done all the badges. I'm doing my coaching badges with the Welsh FA. I am on the last year of the pro licence.

Whether I'm going to use it straight away I'm not too sure. Whether I can use it here I don't know.

The career I have had should warrant me getting a job.
Scumbell in 'loves the sound of his own voice' shocker.

**** off you macaron. You were a **** and you will always be a ****. Go crawl somewhere nice and dark and cease to exist.
Honestly I really dont hate many people in this world, this ****, I detest, he is an odious cretin, all he ****ing does is play the race card, yet another one who does it all the time
He trivialises real racism by throwing false accusations about. Race has nothing to do with why he's so disliked
Exactly, he'd be just as big a **** if he was white after everything he's done.

I honestly hope I NEVER bump into him. Sounds childish I know but I dunno how I'd react!!!!