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So, what happened today?

Um, what, why is Damian Lewis singing GHod Save The King in the style of The King
Elvis Presley? Did I miss something? Is he playing Elvis in the West End or something?

Edit, Google tells me his wife died so he decided to become a musician and use his fame to elbow his way into festivals etc. What a plonker. Stick to what you can do.
Had a lovely weekend away at the theatre in London.

Got a funeral tomorrow, a good friend from a support group I'm in.

He told me this great quote a couple of weeks ago that I had never heard before.

If I'm wrong about my atheist beliefs and when I die I end up standing before GHod. One of us will be begging for forgiveness.

And it won't be me.

He was over the last 5 years a good friend. I'm not much of a spirit drinker but tomorrow at Brighton crem a group of us will be pouring half a glass of scoth on his coffin and drinking the other half.
Had a lovely weekend away at the theatre in London.

Got a funeral tomorrow, a good friend from a support group I'm in.

He told me this great quote a couple of weeks ago that I had never heard before.

If I'm wrong about my atheist beliefs and when I die I end up standing before GHod. One of us will be begging for forgiveness.

And it won't be me.

He was over the last 5 years a good friend. I'm not much of a spirit drinker but tomorrow at Brighton crem a group of us will be pouring half a glass of scoth on his coffin and drinking the other half.
What show did you see?
Pillowman. Very interesting story, not sure about the direction though, felt the lingered trying to describe some of the stories. Pemberton was brilliant as expected.

Your a theatre guy aren't you? Have you heard any reviews for Patriot at the Pinter. I would literally watch anything with Toby Jones in.
Good to know. I was thinking about the pillowman.
Do you mean Patriots? Tom Hollander, it's on at the Noel Coward.
I know someone that knows some people that worked on it and say it's excellent. I need to book it before I forget.
And Rupert Gould has a damn good hit rate for direction. Anything that transfers to the West End from the Almeida is going to be rather special.
Good to know. I was thinking about the pillowman.
Do you mean Patriots? Tom Hollander, it's on at the Noel Coward.
I know someone that knows some people that worked on it and say it's excellent. I need to book it before I forget.
And Rupert Gould has a damn good hit rate for direction. Anything that transfers to the West End from the Almeida is going to be rather special.

Yep I meant Tom Hollander, I get confused sometimes. Looks good.
Great week for critters at our cottage, a humble wood-frame, 800 sq. ft. structure built back in the mid-1950s. We've got 3 acres of wooded land with 200 feet of shoreline, about 250 km north of Toronto.

Weather was gorgeous all week so we slept with both bedroom windows wide open, looking out toward the forest behind our cottage. Woke up at 6:28 am on Thursday and there was a young adult female deer grazing on juniper berries not 20 feet away. Heard us trying to quietly grab shots on our phones. Huge ears swivelled toward us like a pair of satellite dishes. Just calmly taking it all in before strolling away to munch at another nearby juniper bush.

Day before, we watched a dragonfly slowly emerge from it's larval body on a rock behind our shoreline dock. Amazing spectacle as the larval body split open down the back and the adult dragonfly emerged, vertically at first, then leaning forward to get it's abdomen and wings out. We revere them as they hoover up pests like mosquitoes and deerflies.

Prior to that, an early morning walk offered great views of a family of loons fishing in a shallow bed of reeds. The adults would dive down and emerge with minnows in their beaks for the little ones to devour. Then, the chicks would take turns diving below the water to try catching fish for themselves.

A pair of wood ducks came flapping round the point and as they neared the loons - the aggressively dominant water bird on Canadian lakes - they let loose with big wet bowel movements. I thought it might be deliberate but they blithely flew past and splashed down beside a bed of reeds to continue their foraging.

Pics to follow.






I think I may have found something really really special. I'm ecstatic as fudge tonight. Celebrating. Just wanted to share with you guys. Some good brick coming. :)
Has anybody got one of those Theragun massage devices ?
I get such a sore elbow/shoulder after golf was wondering whether to pick one of them up, they do look good
Has anybody got one of those Theragun massage devices ?
I get such a sore elbow/shoulder after golf was wondering whether to pick one of them up, they do look good

can get pretty decent unofficial ones too. a friend of mine is a PT and went for an unofficial similar one - fraction of the cost.