Vic Buckingham
Good post, then you ruin it at the end.
Government spending is out of control and has been for too long.
It has simply been hidden by easy access to debt.
If I get tinkled tonight and drive my car and kill somebody.
Who would you put in jail? Me, or my pub landlord.
It really is as simple as that.
Governments OVERSPEND and BORROW too much.
Banks help them get tinkled, but they don't force borrowing.
And this is, indeed, it.
I'll take your tenuous example...
If I gave a brick about you, either as a customer or a member of the human race, and you were in MY boozer, I'd ask for your keys before serving you beyond a certain point OR invite you to leave. Would I continue to sell you drinks knowing you might drive home without giving a brick? not me.
But unfortunately, all those lovely LOVELY people you speak so highly of did PRECISELY that, they kept on serving drinks to alcoholics with car keys.
I'm ALL for personal responsibility, but we are in an era where it is NOT VALUED, not taught and not displayed. We have a society where 'me?i want/I will have' are big big words, where responsibility is shirked like a hot potato, and where predators take advantage of the former.
And we're back at the pub landlord, me, serving you drinks before you drive home tinkled and crash your car. I didn't HAVE to do it Just because I had the power to do so, I simply didn't have to sell you the drinks.
I'd like to briefly jump into a real world problem which helped contribute to all of this gonads, the real estate boom/crash. Again, just because someone will take on a mortage, it doesn't mean they should have one. I know many people who had no business buying houses at the rices they did, yet they were given the mortage based on some sort of trussed up economic gobbledygook that Voldemort might've cooked up! Are people stupid and irresponsible for taking on such debts beyond their means? Absolutely! Welcome to what happens when you have an increasingly under-educated society with many people who simply don't know basic economics but know that society says they should 'have' that before finding some sharkskin suit presenting it to them on a platinum plated platter! In the end, who got kicked the hardest out of all of that? It wasn't the banks in the end was it.
One thing I'm interested in is where you see yourself in society economically?
I have to tell you, if what you're espousing were to happen, it would eventually lead to a top 5% of super-wealthy, a rather huge 85% of average income and a bottom 10% of the type of poverty you see in India except in every British city.The middle class as we know it is fast-becoming a dead issue.
Of course, we're now getting into areas which will infuriate you I'm sure, as we're ascending beyond the petty squabbles of 'governments' and heading into the upper floors with guys like the Koch Brothers, you know, the "people" (loose term) who really run it all...