Jimmy Neighbour
How long ago does it have to have been for people to not get upset by it? Where’s the cut off point?
They’re (apparently, like everything these days) moving away from teaching American kids about the atrocities committed against the native Americans and also how the country was built off the back of slavery, in case it makes the white kids feel uncomfortable GHod forbid.
To keep the thread on track i’d like to say that Ben Davies has been quietly crushing it for a while now, unsung hero.
To be honest as long as things are wrong due to the past its still relavent ... for example the British history museum has hoarded lots of artifacts and have been requested to be sent back to their native countries but we just turn a nose up at it, yet prosecute war criminals that had stolen bounty from WW2.
At the very least an apology wouldn't go amiss, but when a country apologises for previous rather than just to acknowledge the wrong doings it opens up court cases and compensation.
For example Brits teach the world that they left India in a greater place than they found it ... just watch Sashi Taroors rebuttle about the actuality.
But of course this generation of people who were not directly involved shouldn't be persecuted for their forefathers but an apology and an acknowledgement wouldn't be so bad.