Right. I'm jumping onto this boat rather late, but I think there are a few aspects that needs to be brought forward:
1. The BBC has dug itself a hole. The issue GL commented on is no longer the main problem here, the role and reputation of the BBC is. Just take the fact that the BBC is making changes to their broadcasting schedule because they are afraid of reactions from conservative politicians and conservative media, roll that around in your mouth and taste it. You have the public broadcaster, whose purpose it is to be watchdog, to be critical of the beings in power, and to be the bastion of hope in the mudpool of journalistic brick,
they make changes to their schedule to avoid being rapped over the knuckles by their strict headmaster. The BBC needs to stop digging, buckle up, and say it straight: "Damn your eyes, we're not having it, sir! You (the political establishment) can not set our agenda and tell us what we can or cannot do. That's what the regulatory bodies are there for, and they will deal with complaints in due course. In the meantime, Mr. Lineker will continue his job, and his tweeting if he so wishes."
2. MoTD without commentary going up: Sure. First week, of course the ratings go up. Just about every cretin in the land who ever had an opinion on football (or not) would tune in, just to have a look-see. But where is the longevity of that? As other have pointed out, if all we want is to see all the goals one more time, I'm quite sure Youtube or even the clubs own apps will be more than happy to oblige. But then we lose something. We lose the editor, who picks out the key moments, those who actually can make a game turn, get new angles to a controversial decision, or just a different perspective. And, you will lose the character-building experience it is to actually have to wait for your own team to appear, while you're forced to watch Arsenal, ManUtd or some other drivel-team play.
I'm 100% certain that if the BBC starts messing about with the MoTD-formula and think they can ditch the commentators and so-called experts analyzing the game they will regret it bitterly down the line. The majority of football fans do actually need someone to point out what appears to be obvious to them every now and then, for them to be able to shout "that is bleedin obvious" while shaking a fist at the TV, because in 9 of 10 cases, they would not have thought about it for a second if nobody told them.
Of course, this does not apply to the knowledgeable and esteemed clienteles of this revered web-forum, but everyone else. Of course! And only fans of other teams. But won't someone please think of the Children!! ahem..
And by the way, Gary is 100% spot on with his tweet. It does not even have to be about whether you are pro-immigration or anti-immigration, or what have you. To be sceptical of people having to cross bodies of water in questionable ways is not wrong.
To create legislation to prevent that activity may not be wrong either, it may in fact be a very good thing to do.
But to punish those at the bottom for the failings of the society? I really thought we as a civilization had progressed beyond that, but alas..
If the conservatives want more brilliant laws from the previous centuries they can bring back, I'm sure they will find plenty of inspiration in the 1834 Poor Law, with the current inflation and rise in costs of living, there should be no problem filling the quota for the workhouses. And heck, while we're at it, maybe they even can find a new colony to send their convicts to. (hello, Rwanda!).
This became far more political than intended. Since this is a football forum first and foremost, focus on point 2 and ignore my other drivel.