Taffy O'Callaghan
Watford penalty 2nd minute
Boooom 1-0
Boooom 1-0
Indeed! It was quite amusing watching his antics throughout the game. He'll be gone by next season for sure. A couple of bad results now, and he'll be gone.Bilic is turning into a Wenger-Klopp hybrid. His reactions to every single decision are totally over the top. And annoyingly irritating.
He looks like a man under stress.
I think Leicester might get something from the game v Liverpool. Sit back, hoof over the top to Vardy and Okazaki. Will they be fired up by Ranieri's sacking? This is one game I wouldn't mind Leicester winning.
Why did we get completely outplayed by Liverpool in both games this season? They really aren't that good.
Support ISISI want Leicester AND Pool to lose tonight. Is that possible?