Apparentlly we are after Damiao AND Valencia's Soldado this summer, occording to the Guardian.
Surely Jovetic would rather move to a title winning team in a country he is proven in who have a realistic shot at the CL and regular silverwear than an outfit who for 8 years have been trophyless, who have repeatedly sold their best players and refused to offer competitive wages, instead paying large amounts to mediocre players whom they lure from other clubs at a young age with the high wages that could be (but isn't) spent on experience and class for the first team, and whose sole intention every year is to come 4th, sacrificing all other silverwear, to ensure they qualify yet again for a competition they have seemingly neither the ability nor the desire to win.
I know this might sound silly considering the calibre of the players, but I actually think they are too similar for us to sign both. Both are basically poor man's Falcaos - i.e. goal machines who play on the last shoulder, have good movement and are decent in the air, but aren't really much use with their back to goal. Pretty much exactly what we need (and hopefully complemented by the option of Ade, who is much more about hold-up and link-up play).
Bascially both can only play as the central lone striker, so would we really spend two lots of +£15m, on players who can't play together.
If we buy two senior forwards, I'd really expect one to be a more versatile/wide one, in addition to one of these two.
who else going for damiao?
Chelsea are a Modric away from big fudging things. Add to that a Mourinho and they'll win the league with ease.
Agreed, and I think Mourinho will be able to identify their need for that kind of player and find the right player unfortunately. They were linked with Alonso, would be a fantastic signing for them, and a pretty ridiculous sale by Real.
Would anyone be happy if our defence remained untouched during the window?
1st choice back four atm -
2nd choice -
I do agree with some on here that we do need to make improvements in pretty much every department either as 1st team or cover, especially with this season's lack of numbers (3 full backs, 3 then 2 wingers and 2 Strikers) and if I had my way I would say improve on BAE with Coentrao (never gonna happen tbh) and that back line would be as strong as any in the league. If our defensive players remained unchanged though I have admit that I'd be content with that, looks pretty strong with a decent balance of experience and youth IMHO.
I guess so but I expect Benny to leave.
I can't see it. He never hit form after his injuries last season, but I expect AVB wants a proper pre-season with him. You don't disregard your LB of 7 years after an iffy few months.
He and AVB are best buds now anyway:
I can't see it. He never hit form after his injuries last season, but I expect AVB wants a proper pre-season with him. You don't disregard your LB of 7 years after an iffy few months.
He and AVB are best buds now anyway: