Colin Calderwood
Right... you literally saying he wasn't quite good enough and was a kind of player we'd have had ten years ago maybe threw me off the scent of what your main point was!
Another solid performance from him yesterday, upping his game in the second half - Hope that isn't too annoying for those clamouring to see him dropped![]()
Agreed he was one of our better players yesterday, although that feels like i'm damning him with faint praise because there really wasn't much competition.
Imv for every two good things he does, he mucks another one up.
Its getting to the point that I'm posting less because it feels like there's certain players that you can't praise (royal, sess, sanchez, hugo, davies) and others that unless your comment is a eulogy about how they are the greatest player to pull on a football strip and we should be bloody grateful that they lower themselves to play for spurs, then be prepared to be ridiculed.