I think I know what JGL is getting at.
My understanding of his post is that there's an industry grown up around it to service our fear of climate change and to sell us remedies for it. The nearest comparison that I can draw off the top of my head is the Millennium Bug, a whole industry grew up around frightening us with lurid stories regarding the possibilty of planes dropping out of the sky, bank doors unlocking themselves, our computers spewing out our bank card details across t'internet, trains running into each other, elevators plummeting in tower blocks and so on, all because of software problems not envisaged when computers came into popular use and before people considered what would happen when the year didn't commence with 19XX.
Companies paid consultants a king's ransom, households threw out their Pentium IIs and on Jan 1st 2000 absolutely nothing happened, was this because the Millennium Bug industry did their job so well or was it because there was never anything to fear in the first place?
Or perhaps the story below will illustrate what I took JGL to be getting at