Tom Huddlestone
I think people should get vaccinated, i don't think the public should be forced to against their will. People in health care are looking after vulnerable people, in order to do that they should be vaccinated. It is their choice to do that job. If they don't want to be vaccinated they can leave.
People coming to this country choose to do so and would have to meet entry requirements of being vaccinated.
It's not all black and white but there's no contradiction.
"Not that i agree with scaramanga.
But you view puts us in very dangerous territory. The needs of the many out weigh the neeeds of the few."
"But. We are talking about excluding people from certain aspects of society unless they inject themselves with something that possibly kill them. For the greater good."
"My personal view is that people should be free to do whatever they want. As long as that freedom does not impede anothers freedom. Including their freedom to have life or happiness. If it does then laws and government need to step in to ensure the best outcome for all."
Plus the post above.
I guess the answer to my question wasn't seesaw.