Steffen Freund
We play the way we play and aren't going to drastically change due to circumstance - if you can't handle that, then clearly Ange ball isn't for you and you can either spend all your time complaining about it or just not bother watching until he is gone. For me, I'm fine with it - we dominate the ball and play better football than I've seen us for years, and we will undoubtedly have days like yesterday but over the course of the season I enjoy watching us play a hell of a lot more than I don't so I'm cool with giving Ange a few years and seeing where it all ends up - it's not like we were a roaring success beforehand am to be honest I'm just bored of the managerial merry go round we have and I can guarantee if we just switch manager we will again encounter a whole new set of issues with the new guy somewhere along the line whilst for the umpteenth time not win anything....
If a manager seeing that we are being bullied and our energy levels have dropped and said manager making changes to try and nullify that is "drastic", then i don't know what to say...