Vinnie Samways
One of my question marks over Ange is something I really like about him. It's how big picture he is. He doesn't sweat the details.
1. Last year when we had injuries? "It's not ideal but it's fine, injuries happen to everyone"
2. International matches? "It's a great honour for people to play for their country"
3. Subs v Brighton? "Wouldn't have made a difference. We weren't competing"
4. brickhousing? "Don't see the point. Don't know what it is".
It's a brilliant attitude in terms of keeping perspective. However, a lot of winners at this level seem to be detail-oriented to the point of obsession. Would you get the same responses to the above from Fergie, Wenger, Jose, Pep, Klopp or Conte?
I'd love his approach to be successful because I love his ideals and it's everything I believed that football should be when I was growing up. I do wonder though if he's so far out of whack with so many managers who've won at this level that his approach is fatally flawed. That perhaps he'd be better in an "upstairs" role eventually.
I love those ideas too, and that’s how kids should be coached, that’s what sport is all about.
The Premier League isn’t sport, and that won’t work here.