Lemonade Money
Dimitar Berbatov
Yes please
3.Seedy Ron
4.Lily White
16.El Guepardo
9 places left if you include everyone who was up for the original sweepstake.
So are we saying the rules are you adopt your country and avatar, and bet on them throughout the tournament, or just one-off bet(s) before it starts? Then a poll at the end to see who gets the World Cup Trophy avatar. All betting slips must be posted before bet conclusion to be valid.
Are we not having special bets too? Or is that an optional extra? I liked the idea of betting on a team scoring zero points, or their top scorer etc, even if that's not the main bet
I agree about it not being too expensive. I think the alternative bets idea was introduced with a view to everyone having something to cheer. If someone gets Costa Rica then, as the money isn't stumped up before the sweepstake is made, even if it is in principle, then people may be reluctant to subsequently back Costa Rica to win. They may be more inclined to back the side on a different market.
That way we could have more winners too. Perhaps the idea should be that we place a £5 bet on the team in some capacity. We decide the bet itself but have to upload an image of the placed bet.
I think that we should take the sweepstake team as a second World Cup team too, if we don't get our own nation. That way we can have some fun with the different fixtures between members of the site. Plus it gets us involved with finding out more about other sides too.
All sounds brilliant to me. Let's get a thread started on SN&V and see if we can drum up a few more people to take part.
How about you can put as few or as many bets on as you like, but your overall winnings are divided by your total outlay to obtain your ranking, and the highest ranked gets the World Cup Trophy avatar. The poster with the most winning bets gets the World Cup Golden Boot avatar, and the craziest bet gets a coked up Maradona avatar?
All bets must relate to your team. Slips must be posted before bet conclusion.