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JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Qunt

Funny. People like Campbell and some posters here were slamming Eastern Europeans as racists. But you can't even put your backyard in order. Your justice system don't even have the guts to prosecute a racist because he used to be the England captain. Can expect more racist taunts in PL from now on.
Not surprised by the verdict.

I actually believed Terry's story, mainly because it was a little bit too exotic an explanation for such a dumb plank to think up so quickly after the game. I also doubt he would have been so blatant if he'd wanted to racially abuse someone.

Sadly, the Ferdinand brothers seem to have come out of this really badly, and yet neither has done anything wrong. Anton was sucked into the affair kind of by accident, and Rio's international career has been destroyed due to nothing he himself has done. That leaves a very nasty taste in the mouth. The perception - if not the factual reality - is of the victims being victimised. An ugly, ugly affair.
Suarez banned for 8 games without evidence, John Terry caught on camera is not guilty. Are we in a parallel universe?

Suarez should sue the English FA for this. He got banned 8 matches while Terry goes free. How is that ? They conveniently postponed Terry's trial to let him complete PL matches and play in Euro2012. In contrast Suarez got humiliated all around.
Terry racially insults Ferdinand - dropped as England Captain - Capello resigns - Harry takes eye off the ball - Spurs miss out on 3rd and finish 4th - Chelsea win CL - Terry picks up CL trophy (which I still haven't watched btw) - Harry sacked - AVB appointed.

The is the chain of events which has led us to a brand new dawn at Spurs with AVB, or our fall from the top of the table back into mediocrity. Either way Terry is responsible.
There is no justice in this world - never has been

Cheating qunts always get ahead

I feel sick

Me too, I actually feel a bit sad even though it has nothing to do with me, and I think that's why. It just reinforces that the world is not a fair place.

''Magistrate basically says John Terry said the words "f****** b**** c***" but can't be sure it was an insult. Read that back. Incredible.''

This is exactly it. I mean...wtf. I totally believe Terry would have made up a story - he had no problems lying about his sending off against Barca and then changing his story when he realised it was total gonads and no-one would buy it. I imagine he would have had some PR people, agents and lawyers in straight away so they could all think up a plausible story and protect their investment.

How can the judge not be sure that in an argument that went back and forth, about breath, then shagging, that Terry didn't suddenly think that Anton thought he was called him a fudging black ****. How is this possible? Why would Terry suddenly think Anton thought that he said it? In the few seconds of that argument taking place...just how??? Anton said he didn't hear it, and this is then accepted by the judge, who says Anton is a credible witness. So there's an argument, both guys are trading insults, and Anton apparently running off back to his position says to absolutely no-one 'he called me a black ****' to which Terry, already in the heat of the moment and trading insults himself, decides to completely repeat?

Ahh fudging hell it makes no sense at all. So sad.
Funny. People like Campbell and some posters here were slamming Eastern Europeans as racists. But you can't even put your backyard in order. Your justice system don't even have the guts to prosecute a racist because he used to be the England captain. Can expect more racist taunts in PL from now on.

He was prosecuted.
This is fantastic for people that are racist. You can basically call someone an effing black c**t and if it ever goes to court you can refer back to this case to show that it wasn't meant as an insult.

What a door this as opened.
This is fantastic for people that are racist. You can basically call someone an effing black c**t and if it ever goes to court you can refer back to this case to show that it wasn't meant as an insult.

What a door this as opened.

No this is Justice.

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Terry has been found not guilty. The Judge said he is not racist and that is the Law of the land. End of.
You know what I mean. I think Terry has transformed the English justice system from a well respected one to the laughing stock of the world now.

How can he be found guilty if the prosecution was unable to prove that he did not repeat what he claims he thought Ferdinand said to him?
You know what I mean. I think Terry has transformed the English justice system from a well respected one to the laughing stock of the world now.

That's a bit dramatic. There's decisions like this in every court all over the world - innocent people proven guilty, guilty people being proven innocent. It's no reflection on England or its justice system.
Magistrate basically says John Terry said the words "f****** b**** c***" but can't be sure it was an insult. Read that back. Incredible.

