Controversial view alert, but think a good part of the rise in asn and adhd is down to the info overload from smart devices in young minds.
Most certainly, the relationshio between mental health and modern tech, especially mobile is well known.
Modern computer games use all kinds of pyschological warfare to target players and force them to hand over cash... many games are designed that if you us money, your play time won't be such an awful experience. FOMO is one such tactic. Fear of Missing Out.
Apps using likes and dislikes as dopamine hit, that feel good factor, and people chance these hits to feel good and validated.
All of which hit the must vulnarable in society. Children and those with mentale health issues, inclyding those supceptable to gambling addiction.
Not to mention exposure to things they should never be exposed to.
Children should not have a smart phone at all, just dumb phone for calls, texts and a gps parents... although gps is pretty pointless.
They should be banned in place if education...
Then there is the question of the invasion of privacy and data collection, especial from children who don't understand the nuances of what they are signing upto.
A friend of mine works in tech and is currently working on a paper looking at how tech like mobile phones can use to pyshologically abuse someone, making subtle changes, delting stuff, adding stuff, manipulating things.
There is an arrogance with tech companies that it will only be used for good and they never think of the consequences.
First thing i would do in power is ban social media and smart tech for children.... Social mwdia for everyone, its just a cesspit.