Jimmy Cantrell
Wow. That's some amazing mental gymnastics to put more blame on Robinson than the Pakistani scum that industrially raped thousands upon thousands of white girls that they despised because they weren't muslim.
Maybe you could share your deep dive with a couple of links? Or is your source trust me bro? Sounds like you would have been the people that refused to believe the girls for fear of being called racist. Protect the Pakistani scum first victims a long second.
No need for "trust me bro" on this, I know I stand on the right side of history on this.
Below backs up all the points made:
First an importantly the fact that even you know that Robinsons racism nearly collapsed an entire investigation.
To my point about justice being rightfully served

Operation Stovewood: Seven jailed for child abuse in Rotherham
The case is part of the Operation Stovewood inquiry into child abuse in Rotherham.
To my point about Starmer and the CPS, snapshots of an inquiry into his time which reflected on its shortcomings but Starmer striving to improve the outcome for victims (BTW I think Starmer is a pillock but he is not the only one who should carry the can for these historic abuses, Boris "the 60 inquiry is spaffed up the wall" has more to answer for):

To my point about the victims lashing out at Musk for being the cnut he is:

I stand with the victims of these things, not cnts like Robinson who twice almost made cases collapse. I would much prefer those being charged and tried to get whats coming to them than supporting a cnut who is endangering that process.........but yeh, its me thats using mental gymnastics.
You carry on supporting someone who has a history of domestic violence and has major associations with well known nonces (square that circle). Oh and someone who was complicit in the Eleanor Williams debacle where his involvement meant a load of innocent people were attacked and blamed for abuses because he marched into town and created uproar, only to find out that the whole thing was a lie.
An important note on the Eleanor Williams case which seems lost on prats like you, is that making stuff up and or racing to conclusions on cases based on ethnicity and colour of the skin of people does absolutely nothing to help the actual victims of genuine crime, in fact it makes it 10x harder, not that you care about fair justice yourself
So yeah I don't think he is helpful to the cause
Lets not lie here and pretend you care about the victims of this or any other abuse anyway because that would be a massive lie
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